48: Here's to the broken ones.

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I led Cloud and the rest right to where Zack and now even Aerith were. When the door opened, it revealed fallen Shinra troops and exhausted Zack who was standing by the tube, looking to where she was locked. 

Once we entered, they have turned their attention to us. When I met eyes with Aerith, both of our expressions changed into the same one. Our eyes watered after seeing each other again.

"Move! I've got this." said Barret as he readied his weapon towards Aerith's tube.

"You seriously don't think you can blast it open while pointing that gun on my girlfriend, do you?" said Zack, stepping in his way.

I felt myself chuckle at how similar Zack and Cloud were treating Barret. 

"Don't worry, soldier boy number two, I am careful enough, but won't be if you keep butting into my work." Barret barked back at him.

With a few bullets in the glass, he managed to damage the lock pretty easily and now Aerith was released. Zack was the one who immediately hugged her tightly, making sure all of us saw their PDA.

I felt my heart grow warm at the sight unfolding in front of me. But once Aerith separated from him, she turned towards me and without hesitation, both of us hugged each other very tightly as well, proving that we were standing right in front of each other now.

"I'm so happy to see you safe and sound.." I felt my voice breaking, "I'm the one who should be saying that. I thought I'd never see you again.." she also wept quietly.

"I'm sorry to break the reunion but we should hurry up and get out of here." said Tifa with a sad smile.

Me and Aerith separated, "Of course. Sorry, guys. Let's get going." I quickly wiped my tears.

We then proceeded upstairs, trying to sneak through all the guards that were summoned and we managed to luckily make it through without anyone noticing us. I was always trying to secretly look through the building to avoid attention. But there were many Whisperers lurking around us which was making me nervous.

"Aerith.. I have to tell you something." I said with a soft smile. She quickly hurried towards me, leaving Zack and Cloud walking beside each other while Tifa and Barret were in the front.

"Yes, Yui?" she said sweetly.

"I have actually met mom when I was dying." I said with tears pricking inside my eyes which evoked the same reaction from Aerith, "How was she?"

"She was as worried as we remember her.. Really.. I didn't get to really see her, but she was talking to me. She told me that it wasn't my time yet and that.. Cloud saved me." I said with a low voice, " You see, Yui. Moments like these are to treasure, as much as your ability brought a curse upon you, it also put you through a beautiful path of out memory lane. I'm jealous.. You've got to hear mom. If I could only talk to her and ask her how come you had nightmares.." she sighed.

I put my hand on her shoulder, "Thank you for the potion." I smiled sweetly at her which she only returned.

But all of sudden the Whisperers started to swirl around us, specifically around me and Zack mostly.

"W-What's happening!" Tifa got scared.

We suddenly heard a very high frequency of audio which was deafening but for some reason it was having some different effect on me than on others.

"Shit! Shinra troops are on their way here!" Barret shouted-

I was looking at Zack, noticing that his lifestream flow was dispersing all of sudden, leaving its green traces, making him slowly disappear.

"Zack!" Aerith ran to him.

Me and Zack made an eye contact, both of us very surprised. And after the panic, I have suddenly felt a shift inside of me with even a higher frequency than before.

Pay the price.... Pay the price.... Pay the price, sinner......

And after those words, all the air escaped my lungs and blood was gushing through my nose, mouth and ears. The pain was excruciating and it felt like I was dying again when the Whisperers started to enter me as if my body was an opened door.

It was all so slow which made it unbearable for me.

"Yui!!!" Cloud and everyone else was fighting the Whisperers, but it was to no avail. They were an air right now.

I also felt myself disappearing, as if my existence was being denied by this world, by lifestream. When I glanced at Zack, he was nearly gone, "I'm so sorry.." I managed to voice out to him, "Don't. I had my hero's deeds done here. Thank you for giving me second chance.."

Aerith was crying, "Zack!!" she broke down as she hugged him and held onto him while she still could.

"Stay with me..! You said we are... – I still have so much to see with you..." Cloud's usual stone expression was now turned into an expression with full of emotions, "I love you, and I'm sorry, too." I managed to get out of myself after I felt myself completely vanish from this world.

My existence, my lifestream was being shifted around. Probably back to Mom. But it all came so quickly, it all just came crashing down without a warning. I wasn't able to predict this.

But I knew the reason as to why I was swallowed up with this as well. I was someone who brought a life back somewhere where it wasn't supposed to appear, and it's only natural that the planet will get rid off this without letting anyone or anything stop the flow of people's destinies. 

I have finally paid the price. Does that mean I can sleep in peace now?


A/N: Hey guys, thank you so much for being with me throughout this whole journey of PART I at my FF7 remake fanfic ^-^ ! I was finally able to finish this and now all that's left is waiting for FF7 part 2 so this fanfic can also continue ^-^ to pass the time while waiting, you can request some scenes you would like to see with Yui and Cloud that you wanted to see but didn't get to, or just anything. Like a little DLCs? sorry, im not good with this xD Anyways thank you, lovelies! You are the reason that I have managed to finish it even though the ending is quite unexpected and left with so many questions, all will be answered, dont worry! ^-^

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