37: Guilt eating him alive.

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But right after I caught up with Tifa, I had a really hard time focusing because I was overwhelmed by so many visions that it was hard to keep the track of reality. I couldn't tell what was real and what was a vision. I don't know why it was, but those visions made me feel as if it was happening right now even though it was evidently a near future.

"Yui.. Hey, can you hear me?" I felt Tifa's hand on my shoulder which snapped me out of the visions for a short while.

I only nodded slightly, feeling absolutely out of this world now. If I wouldn't try so hard to focus on Tifa in front of me, I knew I would be thrown into another portal of my visions.

She peered at me worriedly, "I don't know what's happening to you, but stay strong. Cloud is right behind this door and we are going to save him.."

I hummed in acknowledgement while doing my best to stay focused.

She then kicked the door opened, revealing Cloud who was sitting at the edge of bed while Corneo was right behind him, about to do something disturbing to him. 

Cloud looked at both me and Tifa gratefully. He stood up from the bed, kicking Don right in the face without sparing him. 

"Ow! Who do you think you are to do that!?" he whined in pain.

"Cloud, your clothes and sword." said Tifa as she pointed at me, while I was still holding onto his things.

This seemed to make Corneo even more excited, but his excitement would soon be over after he would realize that it wasn't Claudia but Cloud. 

But then again, I was overwhelmed by the visions while Cloud and Tifa were exchanging a few words with Don. This time I saw it clearly.

A plate was dropped on the Sector 7 without any warning for the citizens below. Only Avalanche was doing their best to stop them, but that wasn't enough, because they died in the process of saving their fellow citizens.

I felt a brief feeling of hopelessness. 

This feeling.. It was just as I remembered it. The sudden pressure in my chest, making it difficult to breathe. I once again hated my ability, because knowing something unfortunate that was going to happen, was making me pressured and worried to death. 

And just as I was enveloped in fear and stress, the flooring beneath us opened and before anyone could react, we fell into a dark hole. I lost consciousness at the spot.

And whenever I'm not in my body, I'm in my mind. So here I was again, in the dream.

This time, it was Zack's turn....

It was a battlefield. Too many Shinra troops everywhere around him. There was no way he was going to come alive from so many. 

No.. I have to come back to Aerith. 

He was thinking to himself. But he knew that no matter how much he tried to cover the reality, he was sure this was it. His end.

So many of them.. Cloud is in the back, too, I have to protect him..

He swung his sword with a tiny bit of hope left in him. He tried so hard until the end that it was unbelievable how far he has actually got. He was strong, but his strength was limited. He was a human, not a robot, so getting exhausted after lasting for as much as he could, he had to accept this.

He was breathing heavily, his muscles burning at all the energy he has wasted. 

And there was it, he was knocked on the ground, already bleeding heavily whilst the pain was already unbearable as it was. However, the rain that was raining on his face, was confirming that he has reached his limit, and he has to face his own fate now.

I wish I could say goodbye to her.. I don't want to break her heart..

The Shinra soldier approached him, noticing that he was still in his senses, still breathing. He readied his gun at his head and without hesitation, he shot him.

The pain was excruciating. He was getting cold and weak with such a cruel speed. But for some reason, he was smiling even through the pain.

He had no energy left in him, until Cloud's devastated face came into his view. As soon as Zack registered him, his heart broke in two even more than before, but to not make it as agonizing as it already was, he kept smiling.

"Zack.." Cloud looked at him with such a heartbroken face it made Zack feel even worse.

But there was also a hint of happiness in his chest.

I managed to save him, at least. I might not be able to return back but at least I'm leaving with no regrets. Yui, please take care of Aerith in my absence.

Is what he thought, but he was feeling guilty leaving everyone behind.

I'm sorry, everyone... for having to leave soon.

His eyes then closed and his mind went blank. He was surrounded in darkness, not sure for how long. 

But then he felt a forceful push in his chest which made him able to open eyes again. And as soon as he opened them, he saw Yui with a worried face. He didn't hesitate and reached out his hand to me and she grabbed it. 

And as soon as their hands touched, Zack looked deeply into her honey-colored eyes. And for some reason, a sense of relief washed over him until he heard her speak.

"I'm sorry for being late." 

The feeling of guilt came crashing on him before he could even process it. And with this feeling never leaving him, he suddenly appeared on the battlefield where there was no trace of rain. It was bright and warm.

He was exhausted, but he wasn't hurt. 

He looked around, noticing that Cloud was nowhere to be seen, yet what first caught his attention were Yui's weeps. It was as if the time has stopped for a moment when he looked at her.

He could tell that she was at her limits, so he approached her. He was angry, he wanted to shout at her.

Why did you do it?!

But he didn't say a word, just kept it inside of him. Her cries broke his heart and the guilt inside of him started to almost eat him from the inside.

He lifted Cloud from the ground and approached Yui who was so pale. She was looking really out of it and Zack became truly worried that she's just caused a great harm to herself.

She, however, didn't stop crying. He didn't know whether it was because of the pain or she was relieved. Her expression was hard to read.

"Don't cry, Yui.." his face turned into frown at how sad he was to see her like this.

He turned away for a split of second to adjust Cloud on his back, but the next instant, he heard a painful groan and then a 'thud'. He quickly looked to the source to see that she collapsed. 

The panic in him rose up and the anger inside of him was raging. But it wasn't because he was angry at her for using her ability on him, he was angry at himself because he was the one who made her do that.

He also lifted her and this time he looked in front of him, seeing Midgar right there, which made his anger perish and instead, his anger turned into a swirl of emotions.

"Thank you for saving me.." his eyes watered with tears as soon as those words left his mouth.

And even though he felt like the cause of this, he smiled sadly. 

He knew that she was this kind of person - giving people second chances when she could just leave them be.

Tears were streaming down his cheeks. He was feeling sad for what kind of direction he made her live her life now.

I'm sorry.. And thank you..

𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖢𝗁𝗂𝗅𝖽 𝖮𝖿 𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖯𝗅𝖺𝗇𝖾𝗍Where stories live. Discover now