13: Whispers.

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I felt a tingling feeling at the back of my head, it was my prediction that was about to happen.

Cloud looked at me, "What's wrong?"

I quickly stood up from the bed and looked outside the window only to confirm my vision from yesterday.

"The Whispers!" I pointed out the window.

Cloud also looked outside, shocked at the view of these swirling creatures.

"The who?" he asked, not knowing who those were.

There was no time to waste with the explanation, we had to go and get to everyone.

"We have to go!" I grabbed his hand and together we ran outside.

But it was too late, Whispers were everywhere we looked. They were now all over the sector 7. People were screaming, trying to run away, but some got dragged by them, not being able to escape. 

Upon seeing this, Cloud readied his Buster sword and stood in front of me. However, Whispers were showing no mercy. It was the first time I saw them getting a bit more forceful, and as soon as they registered me, they surrounded me and Cloud in an instance.

"Sinner....... sinner......" screamed one which made me and Cloud cover our ears at how loud their voices have become.

They tried to separate me from Cloud, but before they could drag me away, Cloud grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him.

"There's too many of them!" I shouted, "We have to find others." said Cloud firmly as we started to make our way to the Seventh Heaven together.

The Whispers kept repeating the same thing to me, "Sinner.... sinner... sinner......

Their voices were so loud inside of my head that I felt tears gush out from my eyes. 

"SINNER...!" one said so loudly that it made me whimper in pain at the highest volume.

Cloud took a notice, and whilst holding me, he started to swing with his sword to make them disappear. With me by his side it was hard to fight them, all he could do for now was to keep them out of our way.

It didn't take us long to see Barret shooting at them from the terrace with Jessie by his side who was also shooting them while throwing bombs at them.

"Shit! There's no end of them!" shouted Barret as he kept shooting.

"Cloud, Yui!" Tifa's voice called out to us.

As me and Cloud ran to join others, the Whispers were whirling around me and Cloud, separating us from everyone.

There was too many of them. I was powerless in a situation like this. I couldn't stop time, I couldn't go back, Whispers won't stop no matter what. They will never let anyone stop them from making sure that people live up to their fates, and that's why they were now hating me. I made their work a lot harder and abused their ultimate law.

The force of the Whispers went all on me which made me and Cloud separate. 

"Yui!" he had his hand reached out to me but it was too late, I was thrown quite far from him with Whispers surrounding me. However, Cloud was having much bigger difficulties. Since he was helping me, the Whispers were all focused on him.

I feel so useless.. What do I do to help him?

I was on my knees, watching Cloud fighting for his life until the moment when a very familiar figure jumped in front of me, swirled his sword around which made majority of Whispers disappear. 

He then pulled me close to him and did the same thing, with even bigger speed, to Cloud's wave of Whispers. Zack jumped on the more distant roof with me to see that he made Whispers disappear completely.

"Zack!" I felt a big relief on the inside.

He looked at me with a genuine concern in his eyes, "You have a big explaining to do.." he sighed and looked to where Cloud and others were in the distance.

Cloud was still on the ground after all the force from Whispers, but his head then looked to the place where I originally was but now weren't. He started to look frantically around, but noticed I was nowhere to be seen.

"Yui!" he said with an alert, but others, mostly Tifa, started tending to him. 

I looked at Zack, noticing he was watching Cloud intently with a sadness written all over his face.

He was clearly missing him dearly.

"Why don't you want him to see you?" I asked as I patted his shoulder in comfort.

He shook his head, "Why would I appear in front of him when I'm supposed to be....." he stopped himself from finishing that sentence.

But even unfinished sentence couldn't hide the heart breaking on the inside. He was devastated by the fact that he couldn't see Cloud any time he wanted like he used to.

But Zack's attention then went to me, "But, to be FAIR, I'm alright with watching from the sidelines, get it? I'm Zack Fair and it's a pun." he joked, trying to lighten the mood.

I only silently watched him.

"But more importantly, let's get out of here. Can you stand?" he asked, supporting most of my weight.

"Yeah, I didn't get hurt badly, just bruises and scratches." I said.

He laughed out, "Well, I'm carrying you all the way home because I know Aerith would give me THAT  look if she saw you walking with bruised knees and all."

I chuckled at the point he made.

Zack glanced at Cloud for the last time before taking me out of here, all the way home. 

𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖢𝗁𝗂𝗅𝖽 𝖮𝖿 𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖯𝗅𝖺𝗇𝖾𝗍Where stories live. Discover now