12: Never giving upon you.

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She was fragile, just like Cloud. And that's why he could probably relate to her.

But suddenly she put her hand on Zack's once beating heart and also grabbed Cloud's hand. He saw so much pain as she was still crying so much, blaming herself even though it wasn't her fault.

"I will make this right... I don't care what the consequences are.." she said, but Cloud couldn't understand what she was talking about.

She made an eye-contact with him now. Her eyes were golden, an eye color he has never seen before. 

"I'm sorry.. I didn't mean for this to happen. I'm going to make this right, and I promise I will do my best to erase this inner pain you're feeling." she said as her words itself took the blame on herself.

It wasn't her fault, but there was a little part of Cloud who suddenly felt like blaming her. It was probably because of the desperation he was feeling, he needed to blame someone for his death, and she was there, trying to take it all out on her. 

He started to cry, too. He couldn't take it anymore and just started crying as much as her. She hugged him tightly, and he felt content, he knew someone was here with him at his worst moments. This time, he wasn't alone, there was someone...

"Close your eyes.." she said with her broken voice.

Cloud had nothing to lose so he did as he was told. And suddenly the rain was gone and he felt the arms of the girl disappear. He was leaned onto something cold, like a stone where he was some time ago.

It was hard to open eyes, too, but once he opened them, he saw the girl in front of him standing there together with Zack.

"Up we go, Cloud.." said Zack as he carried Cloud slowly to Midgar that was just over there.

He heard the same sobs he was sure he heard before. It was the girl again. She was crying again, but both out of pain and probably a relief.

"Yui.. Don't cry.." said Zack which made Cloud surround his thoughts only at the words that fell from his best friend's mouth.

Her name was Yui.

But.. Why was Zack alive when Cloud was so sure he was dead. He was right next to him, kneeling beside him, so why was he now here, standing as if nothing happened. What was this supposed to mean?

Yui cried out painfully and he heard a thud on the ground. Zack quickly turned towards her, "Yui!" he then hurried to her.

Zack put Cloud on the ground and tended to Yui. Cloud then opened his eyes, seeing the girl named Yui, laying unconscious on the ground, too. She wasn't moving, her traces of tears were still there though. 

Was she dead? 

Cloud's heart broke at the sight of this girl showing no sign of life.

".. Yui.." Zack's voice cracked too, "Thank you for saving me." he said as he also started crying.

After a silent cries that were coming from his best friend Zack, Cloud couldn't take his eyes off Yui. She was laying there, unconscious. Even dead probably..

Cloud was trying to come up with any reasonable explanation for the fact that his best friend was still alive, or was he? Was this a dream?


I opened my eyes with a gasp as reliving this nightmare was so painful. I held onto my chest as I felt the tears in my eyes flow down my cheeks.

".. Are you okay?" said Cloud's voice who sat beside me on the bed.

Out of my habit, I hugged him tightly as I sobbed in his chest. He got startled at the sudden hug, but didn't do anything. He kept still just for my sake.

The memory of this living nightmare still had my heart broken in pieces. I didn't want to relive this, not this one too.

"I'm sorry.." I said as I separated from his, wiping my tears.

"It's fine." he said, "Looked like a nightmare." he added.

"Yeah.. But.." I paused which made him look at me, "But?" he tried to encourage me to say it.

I didn't want to say it. I just couldn't bring myself to.

"Yui..." he said which made me look at him, "I remember seeing you for the first time 6 years ago. I've got so many questions but..." he then stopped.

I felt my heart sink once again. He remembered me, but I feel like all I can be to him is a memory.

"I thought you were dead.. but then you reappeared here." he said, trying to understand.

I felt myself smile, "Don't think about it.. More importantly.. where are we?" I asked, noticing the surroundings were different from my home.

"My flat.. I don't know where you live, so the only place I could take you to, was here." he explained.

I scoffed, "So you took a stranger in just like this?" 

He then snickered which was rare for a person like him, "You're not a stranger. We don't know that much about each other but we have seen each other once in the past."

He was starting to be talkative which made me feel boosted to make him continue in a conversation, "Where did we meet?" I asked, pretending to be dumb.

He looked at me out of shock, "You don't remember?" 

I smiled sadly, "Of course, I remember.. How could I forget.." 

He sensed that I wasn't too comfortable with this topic.

"You're at least in one piece." he said silently, but loudly enough for me to hear.

I took a deep breath, "Why wouldn't I be?"

He looked out of the window, "I remember seeing you laying motionless on the dry ground. Zack-" but he then held his head in pain as he hissed painfully. He was probably recalling what I dreamed of.

I put my hand on his head again as I calmed down his trauma at least for a bit. He looked at me as if I was someone precious to him. It was the first time his expression was easy to read.

"I hope one day you will be able to overcome this trauma of losing a precious person in your life. Because you never know. You might be facing hard times, but that doesn't mean there are no good moments as well." I said with a smile.

His expression softened, "Thanks for this." he pointed at his head, but he also meant to thank me for my words. I could read him now like a book.

As he once said, "Even stone-hearted people are still people." I repeated after seeing this saying in his dream.

His eyes widened and I was sure he remembered where that came from.

𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖢𝗁𝗂𝗅𝖽 𝖮𝖿 𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖯𝗅𝖺𝗇𝖾𝗍Where stories live. Discover now