35: 1,000 lifetimes in dreams.

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The show kept on going and Cloud was transformed into a girl. His new look really made me realize that he looks absolutely gorgeous in anything.

I was the first one to exit the Honeybee Inn and since Cloud has been so successful after his transformation, he got left behind. I decided to wait for him in front of the inn only to be stared on by people around me.

I bit my lips in nervousness. 

But as soon as I heard everyone's cheers and gasps, I knew Cloud, no... Claudia, has arrived.

He was holding his hands in embarrassment with his head hung low. 

"Claudia!~" I joked, "Don't talk to me." he said with irritation, "Oh, c'mon.. Don't be like that! You're absolutely gorgeous!" I praised him, "Enough." he said sternly.

I felt myself chuckle at his tantrum he was throwing, but it was to be understood. His pride was hurt now.

Without having a chance to say anything else, he started to head towards Corneo's just like that.

I couldn't help but giggle at the walk of shame he was now doing.

I was silently following behind him, giving him time to cool his head off after such an event. From time to time, he stole glances to see if I was actually following him, and everytime he assured that I was, he quickly looked away.

When Cloud opened the door to where Leslie was waiting for us, I braced myself for his reaction. 

As soon as he registered it, his expression turned into horror after he glanced at Cloud, "Holy shit.. When I think I've seen it all, you always come with something that surprises me.." said Leslie in unison.

I chuckled, "Well.. We're ready now!" 

"You sure are.... Open the gate." he ordered to Corneo's lackeys.

They opened the door and Cloud didn't waste a single second and just continued ahead to not be stared at. Right when I was passing by Leslie, he put his arm on my shoulder which stopped me in my tracks. I automatically looked at him.

"Look.. I know you've got your ability and you're most likely safe because of it, but even though, Corneo isn't to be messed with. So be extremely careful. I'll try to come as soon as possible." he said with a worried look.

It truly moved me that he was worried about me. 

"Thank you, Leslie. I will be careful." I smiled at him to reassure him, "I just know what kind of man Corneo is... And I owe you a big time for saving my one and only, Merle." he smiled as he let go and made a way for me to continue in my tracks.

With a sincere smile, I passed by Leslie and headed straight to Cloud who was waiting for me without sparing me a glance.

"Let's go and save Tifa." I said with a determination after I stood beside him.

He looked at me with his usual cold stare, yet there was a deeper meaning behind it. He wanted to say something, but the gate to the main barrack opened and we were greeted by nasty-looking Corneo's lackeys.

"Oh.. New additions? Go into the waiting room on the first floor. And don't stick your nose anywhere where you shouldn't." one of them commanded.

We silently obeyed them and retreated upstairs. Yet their remarks could be heard maybe even all the way to Leslie.

"Have you seen that babe in red? I'd let her do things to me."

"No.. Have you seen the other one? Man, she's got it all.." 

I felt myself cringe at that but we did as we were told and arrived to the room. 

To our surprise, it was quite really dirty in there, and the dust layers on the furnitures really made it suspicious to me. But then the room got filled with some sweet scent that was making both me and Cloud dizzy.

"To hell with scents, had enough of that." said Cloud sternly as he tried to open the door only to find out it's been locked.

I got reminded of the last time when we were locked up with some scent filled in the air, but I was sure that this time I would just pass out without doing anything like before.

I collapsed to the ground, feeling my consciousness fade away. The last thing I knew, was that right before I lost consciousness, the previous two Corneo's lackeys with gas masks appeared. It was all their plan.

And as soon as I was out of the world, I was in Aerith's shoes with Zack right next to her. 

So this time.. It was Aerith's turn..

He had his arm around her waist as they were watching the stars together at the top floor at some safe hidden spot that they had.

"Yui worries me so much.." she said with a pained voice as she watched the stars.

Her chest was stuffed with worry and concern for me. She was in so much pain internally. She was feeling hopeless.

"She is worrisome, I agree. But I also think if it gets too much, she'd tell you." said Zack with a gentle voice.

She sighed, "I fear that she wouldn't do that. She would think of it as a burden and she won't want to trouble me with it as I know her." 

"Yeah, let's be real about that.. These days she's definitely not feeling the best. But when you look at it from the other view, then you know how happy she is whenever she goes to sector 7." Zack then looked at her.

"What if.. she's crying for help silently.."

"Now now, Aerith.. I know how difficult this must be for you, especially when she's your family, but don't overthink too much. It's also bad for you." he then hugged her with his muscular body.

But then I heard her thoughts; Yui has no one to hold her like this. When it gets tough, no one is there for her because she's alone..

But she was so shy when we were talking about Cloud. Maybe it's not going well? Is she even doing well? I haven't seen her for quite a long time and I don't even know that.. What kind of horrible sister am I when I can't even look out for my own sister who is always looking out for me?

She saved Zack not only because she also likes him as a very close friend, but also because she knew how hurt I would be.

Gosh.. I'm so sorry, Yui. I'm the worst sister you could ever have...

She was sobbing into Zack's arms while her heart was breaking apart. It felt as if I couldn't breathe for a second.

"Next time we see her, you should confront her about that. I'm sure she would listen to your concerns you hold for her, and knowing that it really troubles you, she will tell you. I'm sure of that..." said Zack with a soothing voice.

But I haven't seen Yui properly for so long now. And the guilt eats me up from the inside. When was the last time we spent one whole day together? I am always the one who goes away, I'm not even here for her.

I'm sorry, Yui.. I'm really really sorry..

𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖢𝗁𝗂𝗅𝖽 𝖮𝖿 𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖯𝗅𝖺𝗇𝖾𝗍Where stories live. Discover now