28: M's spa.

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"Glad to see you're doing well, Yui." Leslie smiled warmly.

He then looked at Cloud who was standing next to me, "And this is... let me guess.. YOUR fiancé?" he then chuckled.

I felt myself blush at his sudden exclamation, "I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce you.. Cloud, this is Leslie, my close friend. Leslie, this is Cloud Strife, my bodyguar–" but Cloud then interrupted me, "Her boyfriend, nice to meet you." he said which made me stunned at one place.

"Damn girl, I knew you had it in you! What a catch. Nice to meet you, Cloud." he teased me but then turned to Cloud to greet him.

Even if it sounds a bit mean, now I would prefer that Leslie would stick to his old-self than tease me like this in public.

"It makes me happy to see you in high spirits after the last time we met." I said with a sincere smile.

He smiled but then his face turned into a straight face, "I forgot to ask, but what brings you here?"

I noticed Cloud was about to speak up, but I quickly interrupted him before he would let this chance slip away, "Our friend was forced into Corneo's audition, so we are coming to save her." I said which made him frown.

"We want to sneak to the audition as participants.." I added.

Leslie sighed, "Don't get me wrong, Yui. I know I owe you a big time for what you've done for me, but I can't let just anyone to get in. And with the stuff you're wearing, there's no way this would make you guys sneak in, plus it's only for girls, and your boyfriend doesn't fit the description.." he explained with his head dropped to the ground.

I felt myself sigh, "I figured it wouldn't be so easy.. Is there a place where we could tune our looks?" I asked.

Leslie was deep in his thoughts, and while he was in there, I was forced with a vision which made me gasp suddenly.

In my vision, Leslie was ecstatic when his fiancee, Merle, told him the big news of her expecting their first child. I don't know why I got a vision of Leslie now. My ability was a big mystery to me sometimes as well.

When I snapped out of it, Cloud was holding my shoulders in case I would collapse and Leslie was talking to me. At first everything sounded as if from distance, but it soon cleared out for me.

"What did you see?" asked Cloud.

I looked at Leslie, "Nothing." I said with a smile but then Leslie snickered, "She said 'nothing'. You looked like you got possessed for a sec.." he sighed out of disbelief.

"Anyways, do you know of anyone who we can meet in order for us to get into Corneo's audition?" I asked.

He looked at me, "Yeah.. In fact I do." he said with a smirk. He then gave me a piece of paper.

Instinctively, I looked at it.

"Madam M, southern part of Wall Market. 
Honeybee Inn, Andrea.
I'll be waiting here for 6 hours, so hurry up. It's the only time I could get you in once you're dressed." 

It was Leslie's note.

I felt myself smile, "Thank you, Leslie.. We'll get to work." I grinned as I turned on my heels.

I grabbed Cloud's hand and led him out with me. 

"Where are we even going?" he asked as he was dragged by me.

"To make us look fabulous!" I said excitingly.

"Us?.." he asked, unsure if he heard that right.

I looked at him with a gentle smile, "If you're so against it, I'll go save Tifa by myself." I said seriously just to see a reaction from him.

"I'm going too.." he sighed.

𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖢𝗁𝗂𝗅𝖽 𝖮𝖿 𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖯𝗅𝖺𝗇𝖾𝗍Where stories live. Discover now