40: Death of me.

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Visions were everywhere now.. I saw everything happening at once that it felt overwhelming. But I had to make sure this would be a success. Their lives were in my hands now, and I won't let anyone die on my account...

Even though I was deep in my visions, I gathered all of my strength to shout even though I was stuck with my visions.

"Behind you, Barret!" I shouted and thanks to my visions I saw that he prevented a fatal wound.

"Cloud, on your left!" I said loudly enough for Cloud to hear me upstairs.

I was trying to help as much as I could, but as I was engaging so much, I felt blood pouring down my nose.

My head was throbbing and not too late after, I even felt liquid pour from my ears.

Those visions were doing that to me.. I knew I had to somehow stop them before I would collapse.

So somehow, even through all those visions, I got to the floor where Biggs was.

But he was.. already dead...?

It made my heart stop upon seeing him laying there motionlessly.

H-How much time has passed with my visions getting the best of me? I-I didn't manage to save him? Does that mean that Jesse is also..

I felt tears welling up in my eyes as I somehow made my way towards him.

I got another vision, it was back in the time where I wasn't able to save Zack and this feeling of helplessness and hopelessness was too familiar to me. The same was repeating but not with Zack but with Biggs and Jesse.. That's.. two lives that are very important to this planet.

I-I can't let them die.. No.. 

I felt myself cry heavily after seeing him up close without him being able to even register me. He was knocked out cold and it made my heart drop so much that I felt breathless.

"I'm so sorry, Biggs.. I can't believe I let this happen again in my lifetime.. I'm truly a failure.. The biggest one in the entire world.. I-I will make sure you also come back to us. I'm sorry.. sorry.. I'm so sorry.." I was crying so heavily that it was already hard to focus on my own ability.

But I managed to make him disappear into different time dimension where he is waiting in the future in this world. And at this succession I felt my energy disappear. I've used up already everything inside of me, but I still had one more life to save.

I stood up and with every step I took, I felt the gravity trying to take me down. The stairs were absolutely unbearable for me, and with each breath I took, my vision was already blurry. 

But in the end, I somehow made it to where Jesse was laying. I was at my deepest limits and I knew if I was about to use more of the power, I could even die. But how would I be able to face them after I knew just how much they all counted on me?

At the sudden realization I found out that I was afraid of failure the most.

I used up everything I had left in me and moved her to the future where she would be alright in this world. I sent her back home because I knew she lived with her mom at the top floor.

And after she disappeared, I felt an unbearable pain in my chest, in my head, just everywhere. I was laying on the cold steel ground, hearing thuds above me because that's where Cloud, Tifa and Barret were.

But I didn't have any strength left in me and the lack of consciousness that I was feeling, it was exactly the same feeling when I was in Zack's shoes. I was sure that I was dying, there was no mistaking it.

I felt tears well up in my eyes. The first person who popped up in my mind, was no one else than Aerith. I couldn't help but feel absolutely devastated at how heartbroken she would be to know that I'm dead. But.. there is a slight reassurance in it because I knew she had Zack with her. 

"Aerith..?" I said with the most reassuring voice that I could internally manage even after being in unbearable pain.

"Is everything okay?" she answered to my calling immediately.

"Yeah.. How about you?" I smiled on the inside.

"I'm okay. I hope they aren't too hard on you.." she asked worriedly.

"No, don't worry. Zack gave them a lesson when he heard them." I chuckled.

But I coughed up blood this time. Aerith luckily couldn't tell by the telepathy, because it was in our mind only.

I was getting cold and weak quicker and quicker and I knew I didn't have much time on me, yet I wanted to make sure that I let Aerith know just how much she means to me.

"I just want to let you know that I could have never asked for a better sister than you.. You truly mean the whole world to me and I can't imagine not being in this life without you. Your happiness is my happiness, and whatever you choose, I will always fully support you. I feel like I never got to tell you that, so I'm making sure that even though it's a.. not a great timing to tell you this, I had to let you know. I love you, sis." 

I felt my consciousness very slowly fade away. 

I noticed there were Whispers swirling around me, but I couldn't care less.

"You've got what you wanted.. So leave me alone, at least in my last moments.." I thought for myself silently.

And just before I could close my eyes completely and give in, I heard a shout.

"Yui!!!" I then heard a distant hurried footsteps and even though I was half in my senses, I was able to see Cloud above me who cupped my cheeks in his hands.

"Yui!! Look at me!" his expression was so obvious that it made me realize just how much he has opened throughout the time.

He was beyond worried, he was scared.

"Don't disappear on me like you've done in the past.. I didn't get to tell you how much I....." his voice was so distant.

I felt tears stream down my face, ".... I love you..." I barely said it.

".. I love you, too.." he said with tears streaming down his cheeks as well.

It was the first time I saw him so vulnerable. It made my heart shatter but I at least got to tell him my heartfelt feeling I had for him.

I felt my eyes close and my consciousness fade away. 

And so I left this world with no regrets.. 

𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖢𝗁𝗂𝗅𝖽 𝖮𝖿 𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖯𝗅𝖺𝗇𝖾𝗍Where stories live. Discover now