22: The heart's beat.

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I led him out of the slums so quickly at how used to I was to this place. Cloud, however, kept watching my back intently because I felt his eyes burning in my back.

To break his intense staring, I decided to tell him more about where I want to take him.

"Okay, I hope you're a foodie because I know so many places where you get so much good stuff. This sector is famous for its food and especially flowers because me and Aerith kind of forced flowers on our entire sector." I chuckled to myself.

Cloud tilted his head to the side, "Aerith?" he asked, but then he got one of those pains in his head again. He gritted his teeth in pain as he put his hands on his head.

Being beside him, I put my hand on his pained area and erased any traces of pain which made him relax.

He sighed out as it finally subsided. I was curious at what was happening to him when this occurred.

"Cloud?" I kept looking at him which made Cloud straighten himself as if nothing happened, "Thanks for that.." he said as he looked back at me but our eyes locked again.

We were once again staring into each other's eyes, unable to break the eye contact.

"Do you know the cause of your headaches?" I asked.

"No.. They just appear out of nowhere when someone mentions certain words." 

And it made sense. His constant headaches were really getting quite intense at certain words. I remember when we first met. However, I haven't said any triggering word.. yet he still got that headache. 

Maybe it's at someone he has met in the past..? That must be it, right?

I didn't want to test it to not hurt him, so I kept my mouth shut.

"So, uh.. I'm not a foodie." he said, breaking the silence.

I felt my face turn into a frown, "Yeah, it makes sense. Especially when you're so well-built." I smiled to myself as I turned my back at him.

"Just like any SOLDIER.." he added, "But not like any SOLDIER.. You're one of a kind." I smiled at him.

He got a bit taken aback at my sudden remark. I chuckled at his adorable reaction. He seems to not know how to take compliments and I find that absolutely cute!

But his face got a bit more serious after looking into my eyes.

"Your eyes..." he said which made me now taken aback.

"O-Oh! They are still glowing, right? It probably looks disturbing, if you want, I will look away so you don't see it." I quickly turned my back on him.

"N-no! They are... beautiful." he swallowed the last word but I heard it loud and clear.

I felt my face getting hotter at his compliment. It was out of nowhere and I was surprised to hear this from Cloud especially. After all, his words seemed to take a big turn on me. His words and opinions mattered to me more than anyone else's and I didn't understand why.

I felt myself smile bashfully, "Thank you.. It means a lot." I looked at him.

And his once serious face turned into a small smile. He was smiling proudly at his own words and I found that so innocent that it made my heart swell in happiness.

"Well.. I mean.. I can actually reset the time for those poor soldiers now, because we walked quite far." I said, deep in my thoughts.

"Not far enough." he resumed to his coldness.

I smiled at his protectiveness. I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings as my mind and everything was set on him.

Not noticing, I tripped over a stone that was in my way and was about to fall on my back, but Cloud caught me in his arms, our faces too close to each other.

I was speechless at how close we were. If one of us would move, our lips would have touched.

But Cloud quickly separated from me after making sure I was alright, "Never a dull moment with you." he said as he went on ahead.

"Y-Yeah..." I said, stunned.

My heart was beating so fast that I thought it might explode. 

My cheeks were burning hot and I tried so hard to get back to earth, but my mind was on that moment only.

"You coming?" he asked as he looked back at me.

I noticed I was falling behind so I rushed to catch up with him.

"Yeah.. Sorry.. I spaced out." I smoothly covered for myself.

He was quiet as he went ahead. 

𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖢𝗁𝗂𝗅𝖽 𝖮𝖿 𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖯𝗅𝖺𝗇𝖾𝗍Where stories live. Discover now