4: People come and go.

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I got up from the bed and got ready for another day. Mom, Aerith and Zack were still downstairs, talking and catching up to the lost conversations.

I headed downstairs which made all of them quiet down. It was almost too dramatic.

"So you finally decided to show up? Was about time!" I greeted him which made him smile, "Well howdy, dramatic Yui."he said which made Aerith chuckle.

"Good morning, sweetie." mom greeted me with joy to which I greeted her back.

The breakfast was laid out on the dining table. Everyone was still eating.

Once I joined, the bright mood surrounded our whole house. It was a really pleasant morning. Aerith was beaming with joy with Zack beside her. These two were really not ashamed to show off their love. But I was happy for them.

"So what are your plans for today?" I asked to make the attention shift to me and mom who was smiling happily.

Zack cleared his throat, noticing it wasn't just them in the room yet, "I will take her to the most beautiful place in Midgar, then take her out to dinner. Then we will go to Wall Market to see a fight in Corneo's colosseum and then we'll just take a walk through the sector 5. I heard you are growing yellow daisies all over the sector now." he said with a hint of pride for his girlfriend in his voice.

"Yeah, we are trying to make at least this sector a bit more brighter than it is. And I think I will also go to sector 7 today to plant some yellow daisies and lavenders. I heard that it's only a sand and dirt in there. Maybe people there will appreciate it." I said.

"Sector 7?.." Zack got quiet which made Aerith worried, "Is something wrong in the sector 7?" she asked.

"No. It's just there is someone I know, they will surely love to see flowers around there." he said with a slight smile.

I had a slight idea about which friend he was talking about. I saved him together with Zack, and these two, who were best friends, haven't seen each other ever since.

"In the future, you both will surely meet again." I said with a smile as I sipped on my chamomile tea. He looked at me with a surprise, but then broke into a smile once again, "We might. It's thanks to you that I've got a second chance in this life." he said.

The mood got a bit gloomy because of the memories of him dying, and he seemed to take a notice, "But aside with this depressing topic! I'm about to snatch Aerith and go enjoy the heck of what our lives have to offer." he stood up with a determination.

Our mom chuckled in her seat, "There goes the overly energetic boy."

"Alright then! I will see you later in the evening today." said Aerith with a smile, "So soon? We don't mind you sleeping over at his place." I teased her which made both of them blush. But they naturally laughed it off, knowing this was for their relationship that they were flexing.

"See you later then! And thank you for the breakfast, Elmyra!" said Zack thankfully as he took his leave with Aerith.

Now it was just me and mom. It became quiet now without those two, but we both were happy Aerith was able to be distracted at least for a short period of time.

"What a gentleman she found. I don't have to worry a single bit about her when he's with her." said mom with a relieved sigh.

I felt a loneliness at the depth of my heart. Whenever Aerith was out of my sight, my mind couldn't stop thinking about her. But that's because we spend majority of our times together, so this was natural by now.

"I will get some lavender seeds along with yellow daisies and get going so I make it home back on time on dinner." I said with a smile, "Alright, sweetie, take care of yourself and be here on time." she smiled as she got up.

We did the dishes together and then I grabbed my stuff and slowly traveled all the way to the sector 7.

The smog was horrible in there, a polluted air from all those machines, the greasy smell of the street food from food trucks, and especially trash everywhere. I had to pick a place for all those flowers carefully if I wanted them to remain here as long as possible.

But then I spotted the perfect spot for daisies. It was behind a fence which was ideal because no one would get to them easily unless they would jump over it. With a knife in my pocket, I made myself an entrance to enter the beautifully soiled ground.

"Sweetheart, are you trying to break into someone else's property in the broad daylight?" an old lady approached me.

I felt myself flinch as I slowly faced her, "Umm, it's not what it looks like.. I just thought that maybe I could–" but she interrupted me, "I know it's not what it looks like. You must be one of the Gainsborough twins who made sector 5 bloom with flowers." her tone changed from an accusing to a gentle and calm one.

"I'm sorry if this is your property, ma'am.." I hung my head in shame.

She only laughed out, "It's okay, my dear. I'm happy you want to make a change here too. Everytime I wake up, it feels like I can't take a deep breath anymore. The polluted air in this sector isn't just fresh as it once was."

I reached out my hand to her to shake hands with her, "Yui Gainsborough." I said with a smile, "Call me Marle." she returned the gentle smile.

𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖢𝗁𝗂𝗅𝖽 𝖮𝖿 𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖯𝗅𝖺𝗇𝖾𝗍Where stories live. Discover now