38: Lost souls.

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Do you know the feeling of waking up whilst having no slight idea about your whereabouts and just anything? That's exactly how I regained my consciousness again, with that feeling, with Cloud peering at my face worriedly and with tears in my eyes.

Being able to see how my dearest ones are overcome with negative feelings because of me, I couldn't help but feel my heart shatter.

I believed that my actions were making everyone around me less worried, but the more I was trying to hide it, the more obvious my desperation must have been.

"Can you hear me?" asked Cloud.

I felt a fresh breeze brush over my cheek which made me realize that we were no longer at Corneo's but.. outside?

"Thank God you came to. You weren't waking up for so long it was becoming worrying.. How do you feel?" Tifa now came to my field of view as well.

I was silent for a bit while trying to remember our ultimate goal. And when it clicked in me, I hastily got up.

"H-How long was I out?" I asked frantically.

"Probably for an hour." Cloud said with his arm wrapped around my shoulders.

He helped me get up with Tifa watching us with a frown in the sidelines.

I remembered my concerning visions from before and I knew I had to let them know.

"There's something I saw.. and it's going to happen really soon.." I said.

They both gasped, "Is it by any chance about plate in sector 7?" Tifa asked in hurry.

I felt myself look at her in surprise, "Y-Yeah.. How did you know?" I peered in her face which twisted in one full of panic and haste.

"So... it's really going to happen.. We have to hurry!" she then looked behind her as she started walking away towards where the sector 7 was.

"Tifa.." said Cloud in concern.

Seeing her reaction like this, I knew I shouldn't have said that because now she was panicking because of me. I regretted it, but there was nothing to be done about it. 

I then started to slowly follow her, and to my surprise, Cloud was right beside me, not saying a word, just walking at my pace.

I looked at him for a brief moment but quickly turned away because he also was about to turn to look at me. However, he was being considerate of my situation and that itself moved me.

He looked as if he wanted to say something this whole time, but just never knew how to approach it, so I made an opening for him.

"Do you have something to tell me?" I asked with a smile.

He got flustered at my sudden notice, but brushed it off as he asked right away, ".... When something grand is about to happen, do you get visions without wanting to see it?" he asked.

This made me gasp at how observant he was, "Yeah, actually. My ability has its own limitations and I am not able to do anything freely as I want it to." I explained as I fastened my pace to catch up with frantic Tifa.

"In short, it's not an ability, but a curse to you." he said sternly.

I was taken aback at how he described it, and I couldn't agree even more, however, calling it 'curse' when it helped me save my dearest ones.. was a bit too much for me.

"I remember thinking of it as a 'curse' as well.. But later in life I found out that I can do something even life-changing." I smiled sadly upon remembering my dream from before.

After that, we both got silent and just walked quietly next to each other. It wasn't awkward or anything, there was just so much to think about.

Suddenly a helicopter flew above our heads which made all of us look up. And this helicopter was very familiar to me. It belonged to Reno and Rude who were probably flying to the final destination to activate the fall of the plate.

"We've got to stop them." said Tifa at the brink of tears.

Knowing I was the reason behind her panic, I felt as if I had to take a responsibility for her state.

"Don't worry, Tifa.. Have you forgotten? You have me!" I smiled reassuringly at her which made her look at me with a slight hope in her eyes.

She then broke into a bright smile and looked away, relieved, "I'm sorry.. I know I was on the edge, but yeah, it's as you said.. We have you on our side. What can go wrong?" 

"But we can't depend on it." said Cloud with a serious look.

Tifa sighed with a smile, "Yeah.. But having this hope is reassuring."

I smiled faintly, feeling slightly pressured at her expectations, but I knew I signed up for this.

We traveled through the train graveyard - a place to be known for ghosts of people who were never able to get back home. Its atmosphere was really heavy and quite scary. Being the child of a planet, I heard so many voices that belonged to children. It wasn't loud, they were, in fact, pretty quiet, almost whispering. 

There was this little boy who was right behind my leg, following me. Cloud and Tifa weren't able to see them, but I knew they wanted to go home because they weren't able to return to the planet.

"Mommy?" said the boy behind me with a look of a scared child.

I felt my heart shatter at how heartbroken he was and I knew there was something I could do about this easily.

I made sure to stay a little far behind so Cloud or Tifa wouldn't hear. They probably thought I was right behind them.

"Mommy, why aren't you looking at me? Are you still mad at me?" asked the broken-hearted boy at the verge of tears.

I looked him straight in the eyes, "I'm sorry, little angel.. I am not your mommy. But I am someone who could get you to her." I smiled at him with the most sincere smile I could give.

He then bursted into tears, "Please send me to mommy, I have to apologize for running away.. " he said with a hiccup as he cried heavily.

Poor child died with a regret and wanted to return to his mom. I emphasized with him so much that I also felt myself wanting to cry.

"Don't worry, angel.. I will help you, and others, to get to your loved ones. So wipe your tears, you don't want mommy to see you like this, right?" I kept smiling.

He then obediently wiped away his tears and looked at me. Even though he was a ghost no one was able to see, there was still a brief trace of his existence left.

I pressed my forehead against his, "Look me in the eyes, little angel." I said and he obediently looked me in the eyes with desperation written all over his face.

"This world may have failed you, it doesn't give the reason why but I promise that I'll take you to your mommy now.." I said as the ground beneath us started to shine so brightly that the light was blinding.

"Yui!" I heard Cloud's voice.

"Are you an angel?" the boy asked innocently, ".. No, I'm someone who makes sure you get back to your mommy." I stroked his hair with my hand whilst my sincere smile never left my face.

I then closed my eyes and prayed silently. It was originally Aerith's ability, and since we were twins, I had a bit of that power in me as well, but it wasn't as strong as hers. It was enough to ensure everyone's safe return to the planet. It was the least I could do.

"Thank you." the little boy said and then the whole place got enveloped in a very bright light where no one was able to see anything for a second.

As soon as I felt the presence of lost souls in this place disappear, I realized I was able to send them all away to their homes, as I should since that's one of the reason I was alive.

I felt a heavy burden being lifted off my chest, as if this was one thing that was preventing me from developing. 

I wish for all of you to be happy again.

𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖢𝗁𝗂𝗅𝖽 𝖮𝖿 𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖯𝗅𝖺𝗇𝖾𝗍Where stories live. Discover now