34: Chained to.

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I was now left with Johnny - the weirdo. He was really chatty but it made the time spent beside him run by fast.

"So I'm going to save Tifa just like that." he said while flexing his exposed chest.

I felt myself cringe, but to not hurt his feelings I just smiled, "Hmm.. I'm sure she's waiting for you." I said as sincerely as I managed and he seemed to take the bait which made me feel bad.

But the further we were walking, the more attention I was having aimed my way.

"That red suits you, sweetheart." said random citizen.

"So beautiful..."

And more people started to gather around me. Johnny took his role seriously now as he started pushing everyone away.

"Hey, make a way! No touching!" he was scolding everyone around.

And when the crowd stood to the side as if making a way for me, I saw a very familiar figure standing in front of me. It was no one else than Cloud who was standing still, whilst his eyes were fixated on me.

"Heya.." I greeted him with a smile.

His eyes were shaky, but that was because he was trying to take in every single detail of my new appearance.

"That's really...." he didn't even finish the sentence as he kept staring.

And the more intense his gaze was getting, the more bashful I was becoming. I was embarrassed enough as it was with everyone watching me.

"Cloud!" I approached him while grinning at his stunned form.

"'Scuse me.." he then tried to get it back together.

And to be honest, his reaction really made me feel so much better about myself that I felt the butterflies in my stomach flutter. He really seemed to like this outfit on me.

"Didn't Johnny tell you the plan?" he asked, trying to avoid his stunned behavior from before.

I chuckled, "He did, but I couldn't just stand still." 

"You know.. I think Corneo's a lot more dangerous than we have thought.. I can't possibly let you go alone. That place seems like a living hell." Cloud said with a concern on his face.

"I knew you'd say that. And don't worry, I wouldn't dare to step in there without my all-mighty bodyguard! Follow me." I urged him with a smile.

He silently followed. At first he was a few meters behind me, but as people that we were passing by were whistling and catcalling me, Cloud quickened his pace and got right next to me.

"This dress is nice, but I can't move in it that much.." I said to break the silence between us.

"I bet. Gotta say, Madam M did a really good job." he said, indirectly complimenting me.

I felt my heart flutter in happiness.

When we reached the Honeybee Inn, Cloud looked at me with a worried look, "Why are we here?"

"Well.. Let's say that I saw this one person getting really interested in you after we fought in a colosseum. And the certain someone is about to grant you an access to Corneo's as well!" I grinned excitingly.

He was hesitating, but I didn't waste any second. I dragged him inside without a warning and soon Honeybee girls joined me to take him into the dressing room.

And while they were explaining stuff to Cloud, I went to sit down to under the stage as if I would be a regular costumer. However, a certain someone caught my eye.

It was no one else than Madam M with her fan while looking at me in amusement. I gasped in surprise.

She motioned to me to sit next to her and when I did, she leaned towards me to tell me something, "So much for the hard goodbyes." she chuckled as she calmly fanned her face.

I also felt myself laugh out at that, "I'll be only happy to be with you as much as possible." 

She chuckled happily.

And suddenly the stage lit up and the show began. The Honeybee stuff was dancing and out of nowhere, Andrea Rhodea appeared in the middle, making a grand appearance. His focus went to someone who was behind me and soon it appeared that it was Cloud who was now being dragged to the stage by Honeybee girls.

I was taken by surprise to see him on the stage. Andrea approached him with elegance, "I don't transform just anyone, but only those who know how to move. Show me how you dance." he said suggestively.

Cloud was taken aback and was looking for an escape when he suddenly spotted me in the crowd, sitting next to Madam. 

His eyes widened for a second but he was forced to stand next to Andrea. Soon after, the music started, making Andrea and Cloud dance together in a perfect synchronization.

I felt my jaw drop at how perfect they were together. The audience also seemed to love them so much and seeing Cloud doing something that was out of his comfort zone, I cheered for him.

"Work it, Cloud! You're a star!" I kept clapping my hands in excitement.

Andrea then started to get physical with him which seemed to make Cloud really uncomfortable, so for some reason, without me processing it, he danced his way towards me while the reflector was going after him. 

He grabbed my waist to pull me close to him, but kept dancing without a pause, putting a grand show, however, he now dragged me to the stage with him which made me so embarrassed.

"I-I can't dance in this dress!" I whispered loudly enough for him to hear, "I'm not going down alone." he said sternly as he now followed Andrea's choreography.

I had no choice but to dance the choreography with them, predicting every of their next moves. Instead of Andrea getting physical with Cloud, Cloud was getting physical with me. Of course it was for a show but I couldn't help but feel my heart beating so fast in that moment. And once we were nearing the end, Cloud put his hand around my waist again and then spun me while laying me low in the air. Our faces were so close to each other that I thought my heart would burst.

The show then ended and the hall lit up all the lights, yet Cloud didn't do anything and just kept looking into my eyes. I also couldn't avert my gaze. 

And then, Cloud kissed me deeply. The world stopped for me even though I didn't stop the time. I was so lost in the moment that I wanted to stay like this forever. 

The audience got a lot wilder and cheered so loud it was deafening. 

When we separated from each other, we noticed Andrea looking at us in astonishment. 

"Honey, I'm in love." he said whilst gesturing a beating heart over his chest that was directed towards us.

I felt my cheeks getting red so fast. I was then approached by Honeybee staff that urged me to get off the stage. I felt Cloud watching me.

I looked back at him with a smile as I was getting off the stage while trying to hide my embarrassment. But this whole situation made me realize that...

 I was so happy.

𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖢𝗁𝗂𝗅𝖽 𝖮𝖿 𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖯𝗅𝖺𝗇𝖾𝗍Where stories live. Discover now