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Aretmis left to go meet with her Daniel. I was a little worried. But then I heard the knock at the door. My heart was pounding in my throat as Hera walked over to the door. She looked at Hatti and then me. I nodded at her. She opened the door. She screamed and tried to close the door. I heard the gun-shot and I winced.

A group of kids walked in holding weapons. Lucas moved in front of Max and Daniel was about to do the same for me but a guy lunged at him. A guy lunged at me but Hatti jumped in front of me with her fists hitting him over and over again. Max and Lucas were fighting back to back. I faced the only person left. Mady.

"I am bringing you to Ryan then this can all be over."she said smiling.

"I don't think so." I said. She lunged at me. I fought her but hesitated for a moment too long when I heard Max scream. I looked at her. Mady kicked me in the ribs. I struggled as she came over me. I looked around the room, Lucas was on the floor unconscious. And Max was punching a guy, it didn't look like it was doing anything. Hatti was pinned to the floor. I noticed most of the people were looking at Mady and me. I longed for Daniel to punch the guy he was fighting and help everyone else.

Mady grabbed my arms and pulled me up. I gasped as I realized this was all my fault. Everyone was in danger because of me. I looked around and saw it. A knife. I renched myself out of Madys grip and lunged for it.I grabbed it. I looked at myself in its reflection. Mady came up behind me. I dropped the knife as she pushed me over. She stood over me holding the knife looking at me.

I kicked her legs out from under her. I heard hatti gasp in pain. I looked over at her. I jumped at the guy pinning her on the floor. I knocked him off her and punched him in the face. He did not get off the floor. I looked at Max and the guy over her. I ran over there and helped her. After she dropped to the floor and tried to get to Lucas. I never saw if she made it. I looked at Daniel, he was fine. I stared at him in awe. He was such a good fighter. Punch after punch. Then I fell to the floor. Mady had come up behind me and...

"Sorry Ryan." she said. I blinked. I looked at Max still crawling, then Lucas, Hera's body, hatti and then Daniel. I smiled at him. He looked my way and froze. I closed my eyes knowing that he would be the last thing I saw.

And then I sat up drenched in cold sweat. I took a few breaths looking around the hospital room, I looked over at the bed next to mine and looked at Artemis who was also drenched in cold sweat. A doctor rushed in. It looked like Hera. I took a few more breaths. A little surprised and a little confused.

"You have been in a coma for over two years."she said looking at me then to Artemis.

"Imposible!" I yelled at the doctor.

"I'm very sorry, but it's true." she said, looking a little shocked.

Thought flooded into my head. What happened to us? Where is Daniel? Why does the doctor look exactly like Hera, just an adult? She speaks like her and she dresses like she would.

My head hurts a lot. I closed my eyes, then I remembered... everything.

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