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My head hurts so bad. I don't know where I am. I tried to move my arms, but it hurt too badly. I looked down at my arms and saw that there were ropes binding my arms to a pole. I looked around starting to freak out. I sighed when I saw Mia, wait, Mia!? What in the world is she doing here!? Oh my gosh, I told her to go home when I heard my parents fighting with someone so she would be safe!

"Mia! Are you okay?" I called out to her.

"Noah! I am fine, why are we tied up!" she said her voice caked with strain.

"I have no idea! But why are you here!? I told you to go home!"

"I heard you yell, so I came back to go see if you were okay... that is the last thing I remember."

"Don't come back to me. I can't have you get hurt. I know that sounds super weird, but...I love you."

She looked at me. Tears were filling her eyes.

"I love you, too. That's why I came back. I was super worried about you. I never had a boyfriend, so I don't want to lose you."

"I don't want to lose yo-" I started to say until I heard footsteps.

I closed my eyes, pretending that I was still asleep. Mia did the same. I heard two people talking. They were both girls. I didn't recognize their voices.

"I knocked the parents out," one of them said.

"Did you knock out both or just one?" the other girl asked.

"Both, duh!"

"Good. Now we need to wake up the kids. They will help us find Artemis."

Who's Artemis? Who are the girls? They sounded like they had Greek accents. I heard the footsteps get closer to me. One girl tapped my face to wake me up, but I didn't open my eyes.

"WAKE UP!!!" the girl said as she slapped my face.

"OW!!! WHAT DID YOU DO THAT FOR!!!!!!" I yelled.

"DON'T HURT HIM!!!!" Mia said as she opened her eyes.

"Ooh. Look who woke up!" one girl said.

"Who are you guys," I asked.

One girl gave me a smirk. The other one looked at the girl who gave me the smirk. They nodded at each other. What are they talking about? They looked back at Mia then back to me.

"I'm Halle and she's Mady."

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