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"Where did Brinley go!? She couldn't have gone far. I was only knocked out for..." I looked at my watch and I groaned. Racked. "Shoot! My watch is broken."

Where did she go? I need to find her!

I saw Robin at "Scoops Ahoy" helping out a customer. I ran over to her. I pushed the kids out of my way and tapped Robin until she glared at me. I dragged her into the back room, I pushed Steven out so he could take her shift.

"What do you want, you freaking little..." she started.

"What day is it?" I asked.

"It is the 4th of July you idiot! And also it is my shift so if you don't mind..."

I stared at her in astonishment. She walked out and Steve came in, he looked super mad so I decided to leave. I had no idea what I should do. I left the mall in a hurry. I saw a park bench and made my way over to it. I sat down and ran my fingers in my hair.

I thought and thought. But suddenly I had a wonderful idea. I reached into my pocket looking for the plane ticket but it wasn't there. I sighed. I grabbed my phone out of my pack pocket and opened the texting app. I scrolled through the texts and clicked on the group chat. I sent a quick text and got a satisfactory reply. Mady and Halle were in Darwin, Australia.

I met them at a camp in Greece last summer. They became some of my best friends. I also met one of their friends. Her name was Artemis. She was pretty cool, but Halle and Mady were cooler. A lot cooler. Artemis was just to... well... chatty.

I looked at my phone to see if they have texted back yet, but they didn't. All they texted me was, "We found some kids kissing in the girl's bedroom. Asking them questions. We could use your help!"

"How long are you guys staying in Darwin?"

I waited for them to respond.

"We will stay here until we find.... her."

Who is "her" and who are the kids? I need to get back to Darwin to help Mady and Halle with whatever they are doing.

I walked over to the airport to buy a plane ticket back to Darwin, but the next flight was... 3 days! UGH! I guess that Halle and Mady will have to wait. And so will Brinley. 

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