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Daniel Miller

"Why do you have to move!?" I asked Bella.

"Daniel! I told you! My Dad got a great job in Europe. I'm sorry!" Bella said with her beautiful Australian accent. And now we could not be together because she was moving. I felt a pain in my chest. I wanted to cry so she would stay, but what about if she thought that I was weird or not cool! Nope, not going to do that. Ugh! How can I make her stay?

"Well, it's 5:00. Our plane leaves in an hour, gotta go!" Bella said in a rush.

"You're leaving without giving me a kiss for the last time?" I asked dumbly.

"Fine!!!" Bella said as she leaned close to my lips.

I loved it when she did this. Her breath smelled like roses like it always does. The kiss became more than a kiss, so I ripped off my shirt. She never made it more than a kiss but she did this time. I loved it. About ten minutes later she backed up from my lips.

"I gotta go, Daniel. I'm sorry. Please.... please don't forget me," Bella said through her crying.

"NEVER!! I'll text you every night! Every day!" I said while holding up my tears.

"Bye Daniel..... I love you!" Bella said then turned away.

I was left all alone in my room. I stood up and walked over to my window, I looked outside, her car was pulling out of my driveway. Even though I tried to hold the tears, they flooded out. I was a mess. I needed to calm down. Maybe a shower would help. I walked into my bathroom and looked at my bare chest. It had scratches from me ripping my shirt off when we were kissing. As I was just about to get in the shower, my Mom called my name from downstairs.

"Daniel! Get down here! The new neighbors are here! Mia! You get down here, too!" My Mom shouted.

"Coming Mom!" Mia shouted from her room.

"One sec Mom! I need to get dressed!" I shouted back to Mom.

I looked back in the mirror. I saw the scratches. I would rather have the scratches then Bella moving away.

When I walked downstairs I saw Mia sitting on the couch talking with one of the new neighbors. He looked at her age. Maybe a bit older.

"There you are! Everybody this is Mia, my 15-year-old" my Mom said awkwardly. Mia stood up. "And this is Daniel, my 17-year-old."

Their Mom walked up to me and shook my hand, "How nice to meet you! My name is Karen Sands! This is my husband Ted, Noah my 15-year-old, and Brinley, my 16-year-old."

"Nice to meet you all, but if you will excuse me, I was just about to hop in the shower, so ... bye!" I said while backing away.

"DANIEL! You can shower later," my Mom said then she walked up to my ear and whispered "Daniel, do you remember when we moved here from Florida three years ago, and how worried you were? Well, make them feel... at home, okay?"

I nodded my head. Who would I talk to? This is so weird. I walked over to Mia but she pushed me away and wouldn't let me sit down by her, so I sat on the other couch. The older girl glanced at me. I just ignored her. I started watching the parents. They were being... well... parents. Then I heard the door slam.

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