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As soon as I got off the plane I knew something was really wrong. Daniel was pacing the floor and was super out of it. He did not even see me. He checked his watch again and again, I looked at the help desk and saw them point at Daniel I looked at the people they were showing him to. My jaw dropped when I saw that it was the police. I thought quickly and ran over Daniel. I kissed him and he snapped out of it.

"Brinley! My parents will not answer calls or texts, I even texted Mia, I told her I knew she made out with Noah, no answer I am worried, my family is normally glued to their phones, no text could get past my mom!" he said.

"Woah, hold on!" I said guiding him over to a chair, the cops saw me and slowed down, but after I nodded my head at them. They left.

"I can't help but think the worst! What if they are in danger!" he said looking at me with such dreamy eyes.

"They're not in danger. I'm sure that they are at church. Just calm down."

He nodded his head and stopped looking at his watch.

"How about we go home and look to see where they are. After all, it's Sunday," I said as I stood Daniel up.

"Yeah, you're probably right."

We walked out of the airport. We knew that we would have to walk home. I can't find my wallet and Daniel didn't offer to rent a car, so I think that he can't find his wallet either.

"I'm sorry that we have to walk home. Ryan took my wallet and I don't want you to pay for a rental." Daniel said as he grabbed my hand.

"That's ok. I can't find my wallet ei-" I started saying but I saw Daniel's green Ferrari.

"Why did you stop talking?" Daniel asked.

I pointed to his car.

"Why is that here?" he asked as he walked over to it.

"I don't know. Where are the keys?"

"I don't know."

We walked over to the car. Nobody was in it. Daniel stepped closer to the car but when he stepped down, there was a crunch under his shoe. He looked down and there were his keys. Soon Daniel was in the front seat driving.

"Ok, something is going on," I said looking down at my phone.

"I know!" Daniel started, "That's what I was talking about at the airport. I am back here, and my keys and car are here! Ryan is messing with us big time!"

"But, Ryan is still in Hawkins!? How could he still be messing with us?" I asked.

"I don't know, but we'll find out soon."

I looked at him with fear in my eyes then said, "I hope not."

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