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I saw the car wreck and was immediately filled with pain and confusion. But my legs tugged me over to the car faster than I could have ever run in the GYM. I yelled at Mady to stop shooting and she did. I was even more confused. I looked under the car to see my brother and Brinley bloody and trying to get out.

"If you want Brinley so bad, then you have to get her out before she dies!" I yelled at Ryan smiling in his broken car.

He heard me and understood. He unbuckled and hopped out of the car, and ran over to them. He yelled at Mady and Halle and they reluctantly came over. They helped him push the car over. I was horrified when I saw Daniel slumped over his eyes half closed. This was just what Ryan wanted. Brinley was alive and crying, hacking with a knife at Daniels seat belt.

My heart was broken, seeing Brinley trying helplessly at my brother's seat belt, and for me. He was probably dead. And I wasn't fast enough to save him. 

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