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Who's Halle and Mady? Are they like villains from a disney show and in the end me and Noah will go on with our lives and live happily ever after ? And who is Artemis?

"Now you know our names, where is Artemis?" Halle said.

"Who's Artemis?" I asked.

Halle and Mady turned around to me. They looked at me with an evil face.

"Who is she!?" I asked again.

"We know that you guys know who Artemis is," Mady said as she combed her brown hair with her fingers.

"NO WE DON'T!!!!!! STOP SAYING WE DO!!!!!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

They walked closer to me. Mady stuck her hand in her pocket then she looked at Halle. Halle again nodded her head. What's going on? I looked back at Noah. He looked so scared. He's older than me and he is scared. I looked back at Halle and Mady. They were a lot closer. Mady's hand was out of her pocket and was holding a knife.

"Tell me where she is and I won't hurt you!" Mady said as she was twisting the knife in her hand.

"As I said, I DON'T KN-"

"Don't hurt her!" Noah cut me off.

"Or what sonny boy? You're the one tied up in the ropes, not me!" Mady said as she walked over to Noah.

"Did you REALLY just call him "sonny boy"? That was SUPER weird, even for you!" Halle said as she started to laugh.

"Well, what else should I have called him? DUDE?" Mady said as she dropped the knife.

"That's better than a sonny boy."

I need to get that knife! I looked over at Noah. He was closing his eyes. Why is he closing his eyes? Is he okay? I need to get his attention.

"NOAH!" I yelled.

He looked up. Thank goodness! He's okay. I thought that he was dead or something.

"Aw! Do you guys like each other?" Halle said, stopping her argument with Mady.

"Why would you jump to that conclusion?" I started.

Does he still like me? I hope so, I like him, like a lot.

"That is none of your business! I just thought that she was going to say "I love you" or something," Noah said.

"Wait, you DON'T love me anymore?"

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