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That morning, there was a block party. I don't know why I didn't leave. I'm too old for those things.

"Mom, why do I have to go? Nobody my age will be there! And besides, I don't have any friends here." I moaned while we were walking to the block party.

"Honey, that's not true! I'm sure that Daniel will be there." my Mom said, trying to cheer me up.

"OOH! DANIEL!" Noah butted in trying to drive me crazy.

"NOAH! SHUT UP!!!!" I yelled.

"BRINLEY! CALM.... calm down please!" my Mom said, trying to calm down too.

When we got to the block party, I saw Daniel. He looked sooo hot! Woah, no. I can't fall for him. He looks JUST like Ryan, and NEVER again will I like Ryan. He started to walk up to me. Was I blushing? No, not over him.

"Hey, Brinley. I didn't think that you would come," he said surprised.

"Of course I would come. I want to meet the neighborhood. And just hang out." I lied.

"That's cool. Um... who are you hanging out with?"

Was he flirting with me? I don't care, he is so hot. I know this sounds weird, but I want to kiss him.

"Um, I don't know? No one really knows me, so, myself, I guess."

"You can hang out with me if you want. I would enjoy your company."

He is DEFINITELY flirting with me. I should flirt back! Master idea!

"Sure. Do you want to go swimming at my house?" I asked hopefully.

"I would love to. I'll meet you there in 10 minutes?"

"See you then!"

Did I just get a date?

I have two swimming suits. I didn't know what one to wear. One of them was a strapless bikini and the other one was a bikini with a strap that goes over your neck. I tried them both on. The one with the strap made me look a lot hotter, so I put that one back on. I walked into my bathroom and pulled up my hair, I looked at myself in the mirror. The doorbell rang. I rushed downstairs, I answered the door and saw him without a shirt. He was soooo... hot!

"Hey, you ready?" he asked.

"I was born ready! Jk, that is super weird," I said

"It's ok." He moved my hair out of my face, "I like weird."

Ooh, that was so hot. Wait, no! I can't fall for him! I will just be his friend.

"Do you want to swim or go in the hot tub first?" I asked.

"You look super cute in that swimsuit," he said, instead of answering my question.

"Oh, thanks. I bought it when I still lived in Hawkins," I said.

"I bought this when I lived in Miami. And where is Hawkins?" He said,

"It is in Indiana. Those trunks are so cool. Did you surf?"

He looked at me like I didn't know what 1+1 is.

"Of course I surf!" he said, a little taken aback.

"So the hot tub or the pool?" I asked a little annoyed now.

"Oh yeah sorry, I didn't mean to annoy you or anything. You choose," he said politely.

"Ok, let's go swim."

He nodded. We ran to the pool. We cannonballed in. It looked so cool from underwater I wonder what it looked like above water. I turned on the water for the rock waterslide and to the waterfalls.

"Woah! Your pool is a lot cooler than mine!" He said when he surfaced

"Thanks!" I said,

He is so nice. Nothing like Ryan. Maybe I can like him. He doesn't act like Ryan. He has better hair than Ryan as well. Dirty-Blond swooped over to one side. It's just his face, his gorgeous gorgeous face that makes him look like Ryan. I looked at him for a minute, and he looked at me in the same way. Then he said something that did not shock me.

"Hey... I know that this is kind of soon, but I think that maybe we should... Ummm kind of... like, go out..." He said nervously.

"Yeah, I think that that would be okay," I said after thinking for a second.

He smiled, he was so hot. I smiled. Then he leaned in. We had our first of many kisses to come, and it was so good. I think I needed that after Ryan I did not realize how much I missed it, but now I have that in my life again. I was over Ryan, I now have Daniel, I liked him... alot, I need him.

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