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I woke up. I sat up and hit my head on something hard above my head. I look around. I was in a cupboard type thing. It was a really small space, I was not wearing my pants. I blink a few times but It is still really dark. I push on all of the surfaces but nothing budges. I wonder if this is a dream. It doesn't feel like one. Maybe I will wake up and none of this ever happened. I never met Brinley, My old girlfriend never left me, wait I can't even remember her name. Ph my gosh how long has it been? I feel like I have lost all of my memories in one simple dream like situation. I relaxed and just thought and thought, soon I got used to the darkness and I was able to see my surroundings, I was in a cupboard. Or a desk compartment, something, there was a way in and out it was just blocked.

I can't really remember where I am or how I got here,wait for the car rental lady! I hope I am still at the car place. I don't know if I can get out but she can get me out. I start making as much noise as I can, I shake the whole thing until I hear yelling.

I have to blink a thousand times because she has opened my prison. I am still at the car rental place only its dark outside and no one is outside.

"What happened?" I asked, still blinking.

"You told me that you would do anything if I let you rent a car, so I did, I knocked you out and put you in a backseat, then I drove to a restaurant and you woke up, then we drank and then yeah... You don't remember anything?"

"No... what happened after we drank? No never mind I don't want to know.

"We got married and had kids."she said like it was no big deal. I cursed and ran my fingers through my hair.
"Oh my gosh I am just joking!" she burst out laughing. I sighed and looked outside.

"I need to rent a car right now!" I said to her, putting authority into my voice.

"I am sorry, I am being paid big bucks from Ryan and those guys to make sure that you can't get back to her, I am free however, we can get together sometime when you are conscious." I rolled my eyes when she said that and I walked out on her. I opened my phone. I looked at the find my iphone app she had blocked me. UGGGGGHHHH!! I hate Ryan sooo much. I closed that app and opened my messages from and for Brinley. There was a text from her. I looked at it for minutes before I sank to my knees.

"I am so sorry Daniel, I think that it is for the best that we break up, that we won't see each other anymore, I think I will move back and stay with Ryan once this thing blows over, I don't think 'us' together was right, it was a mistake. I really am sorry that we were ever together."

This shocked me more than anything in my life, and my little sister had sacrificed herself for her boyfriend. I looked frantically for any hints that it was not really her. I really looked and looked. I pushed my phone into my pocket and ran. I ran out of the city and ran. I ran into the middle of nowhere. Adrenalyn was pulsing through my veins.

My mind was racing. I kept coming back to the fact that she was with Ryan. That she probably had been forced to write that. But that actually sounded like her, not Ryan telling her what to say. She really wants to be with a killer? With a mad man? With someone who only wants to abuse her and keep her close to him like a pet?

She knows that he tried a number of times to kill them to get her. I guess that she had really dated him before, she really must have loved him like she loved me, like I loved her, she must really love him. My phone started to ring, it was a scam likely call but I did answer it anyway. It was a recording. I honestly don't care. Mia used to make fun of those people who had to record these kinds of things. I shut my phone off. But a few seconds later filled with silence I opened Pandora and turned on a Billie Eilish song in Mia's memory, "Watch". Her favorite one.

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