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When Daniel dropped me off at my house, I knew that when I step inside my house, my Mom will ask where I have been.

I opened the door and called out, "I'm home!!!"

I waited for someone to come over to me and ask where I was. But nobody came. I walked upstairs to Noah's room, but he wasn't there.

I went downstairs to the kitchen to see if anybody was there. And once again, nobody. I went to the basement to my parents' room. I just know that they will be there. But they weren't. So I went to our home movie theatre. Nobody was in there either. I knew that they most likely aren't in the game room!

I ran to the garage to see that the cars were still there. Where are they? If they walked anywhere, well you could only walk over to neighbor's houses. Why would they do that? All of the neighbors are so weird, well except for Daniel's family, they are perfect.

I decided to walk over to Daniel's house to see if he can find his family.

When Daniel answered the door, he looked super nervous. Is the rest of his family gone, too or is it just mine?

"Hey," I started. "Are you ok?"

"I can't find them!!"

"Who's them.... Oh wait is it your family?" I ask already knowing the answer.


"I can't find mine either. Let's go look for them."

I know that Daniel is nervous, but he acts like a four-year-old. It's cute, though.

"Their cars are still here, but they aren't! I have checked EVERYWHERE!!!" Daniel started. "What about if something REALLY bad happened to them!?"

"We will find them, I swear," I said as I grabbed his hand.

He looked a little bit calmer, but still super nervous. I love how he is super nervous. It's super cute.

"Let's check the town. We can ask the police if they have seen them." I said as I walked out to his car.

"Good idea." he said as he unlocked his car.
I really hope that our families are ok. Especially Mia and Noah. 

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