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"MIA!!!! DON'T DIE!!!! YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME!!!!" I yelled through my tears.

"MIA!!!" Daniel yelled.

I just lost her. She is gone forever. I should have killed myself before she came to her senses. I loved her too much to let her live. Maybe she wouldn't have killed her self if I didn't say that dumb saying.

"Did she just kill herself?" Mady asked even though she watched it happen.

"Yeah, she did, Mady. DANG, IT!! I could have used her!" Halle shouted.

"Guy's," Ryan started, "we need to get out of here. The cops might have heard us."

"Your right," Halle said.

"We need to find Artemis now. We came all the way from Athens, Greece for HER, NOT BRINLEY!!!" Mady yelled the last part.

"Ok, ok! But first, we need Brinley with us! I didn't come all the way from Hawkins just for you guys!" Ryan pointed out.

"Brinley will never come with you," I gave a glare at Ryan.

"Noah, we are bro's. I won't let them kill you. But I need Brinley to love me again, so you can get what you want and move back to Hawkins."

"My parents won't move us back there Ryan! They got sick of Hawkins. Everybody was disappearing from something that isn't REAL! And anyway, there are a lot of Russians there right now. Evil Russians to be precise."

"Noah, first off, the Russians left Hawkins. Second, the Demogorgan is real, but it won't come back. And third...yours and Daniel's parents are dead."

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