Honey, I Shrunk the Hedgehog and the Wolf

Start from the beginning

"I don't think Robotnik even knows we're here!" Brody said and he and Sonic stare in shock and beads of sweat emit from their heads "But he does!" Sonic said looking at a spider ontop of the web who schreeches "Eww! A giant spider!" Tails said "Ac...

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"I don't think Robotnik even knows we're here!" Brody said and he and Sonic stare in shock and beads of sweat emit from their heads "But he does!" Sonic said looking at a spider ontop of the web who schreeches "Eww! A giant spider!" Tails said "Actually, he's a small one" Brody said "Trouble is we're smaller!" Sonic said as the spider starts crawling to them "I can't get unstuck ffom this web!" Tails said "In that case we'll just have to spin a new one!" Brody said as he and Sonic spin and wrap the web around the spider trapping it in it and then break themselves and Tails free but Tails' tails are tied together "Phew! That was too close!" Tails said "Come on, Tails, fly us out of here!" Sonic said and Tails grunts trying to fly but the web tied around his tails together prevent him from doing so "I can't! My tails are all gummed up from that sticky web!" Tails said "In that case, we'll just have to cross Robotnik's lab on foot!" Brody said.

It didn't take long for Robotnik to find out Sonic, Brody and Tails where small so after many tries to catch them the trio reached te Shrink Ray "We did it!" Tails said "Now we find the reverse button!" Brody said "Give up, Sonic and Brody!" Robotnik said holding a remote control pressing it making the table the plastic dome is on to rumble "Or I'll give your frienda a Mobius Quake that'll turn their cities into Jell-O!" Robotnik said "What'll we do, guys?" Tails asks "There's not much choice!" Sonic said "You win, Robotnik!" Sonic and Brody said suprising Robotnik "Did they say what I thought they said? I win? Yes, I did win, didn't I? And that means" Robotnik said and grabs a pair of tweezers and a beaker "You two lose, pipsqueaks!" Robotnik said putting the trio in the beaker and puts a stopper on the top of the beaker "Don't bother trying to break out, Sonic and Brody! It's tempered glass! You three will make nice pets and when I get tired of you, you'll make even bettef pet food!" Robotnik said laughing and puts the beaker on a counter where his pet rat was in a cage.

*Meanwhile in the Mine*

"I think the lunk has trapped the poor lads!" McMole said "What are you standing around staring at?! Get to work!" Robotnik said so the moles and McMole head into the mine.

"We can't just leave Sonic and Brody in the lurch! After all, they came through for us, and taugh us  how to dig faster!" McMole said and one mole nodded "That's it! Follow me, moles!" McMole said and they dig on the ground.

The moles got out and they carry spear guns and aim them at the counter Sonic, Brody, Tails amd Robotnik's pet are. They fore the spears at it while Sonic and Brody pound on the sides of the beaker "Robotnik wasn't kidding! This stuff's hard as diamond!" Sonic said "Sonic, Brody, look!" Tails said as they see the moles climb onto the counter and runs to the trio "We've come to free you lads!" McMole said "But how?" Tails asks "Maybe we can knock it iver and pull out the stopper!" McMole said and he and all the moles try but it won't budge "Ach! No good!" McMole said "Aw, rats!" Tails said and Brody gets an idea.

 They fore the spears at it while Sonic and Brody pound on the sides of the beaker "Robotnik wasn't kidding! This stuff's hard as diamond!" Sonic said "Sonic, Brody, look!" Tails said as they see the moles climb onto the counter and runs to the tr...

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"Good idea, Tails!" Brody said "Idea? What idea?" Taild asks "McMole, tie the ropes to the rat! Maybe he can pull us over!" Brody said "Right! Let's do it!" McMole said and they do it and let the rat out and the rat jumps off the counter knocking the beaker over but the rope breaks off "Quick! The stopper!" Sonic said.

After a complication with the rat, they were gonna push the beaker off the countee to break it but Scratch saw them ad grabbed the beaker "Thought you could get away, did you?" Scratch asks and Brody cups his hand on his ear "What did you say?" Brody asks with a small grin "I said, 'thought you could get away did you?'" Scratch asks and Sonic did the same as Brody "What? We can't hear you through the glass!" Sonic said and Scratch removes the stopper "Argh, I said 'Thought you could get away, did you?'!" Scratch said and Sonic and Brody get out the beaker dragging Tails "Nope, we knew we could get away!" Sonic and Brody said as they run away "Boy did I ever ask for that one!" Scratch said "You fools! You've let them get away! Get that hedgehog and wolf!" Robotnik said and they do. At a moment the moles climb on Robotnik's leg and bite it before he got close to catching the trio "Looks like the Mole Miners are getting under Robotnik's skin!" Tails said "Which gives me an idea how we're gonna get out of this mess!" Brody said and whispers the plan to Sonic and Tails "Way cool!" Tails said excited "Let's do it!" Sonic said as Tails runs up Grounder's tread and Sonic and Brody run up Scratch's leg and they get inside the badniks. Soic and Brody come across a control panel and Brody runs up to it first and Sonic behind and read the options.

"Feather Brained Ideas" Brody said "Chicken Jokes" Sonic said "Rotten Egg Recipes" Brody said "Here it is!" Sonic said "Mind Control Over-ride!" Brody and Sonic said and they press it taking over Scratch and Sonic grabs a microphone "Time to kick ...

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"Feather Brained Ideas" Brody said "Chicken Jokes" Sonic said "Rotten Egg Recipes" Brody said "Here it is!" Sonic said "Mind Control Over-ride!" Brody and Sonic said and they press it taking over Scratch and Sonic grabs a microphone "Time to kick some Robuttnik!" Sonc said which Scratch repeated "Way cool idea, guys!" Grounder said under Tails' control and they mess with Robotnik while getting the Moles to safety and put Robotnik's glove on his face "Tails, turn on the Shrink Ray! We'll catch up in a minute!" Scratch said running away "Will do, Sonic and Brody!" Grounder said as Scratch puts McMole and the moles back in the mine "Back where you belong fellas!" Scratch said and goes to Grounder "I've reversed the polarity, Sonic and Brody! It's set to fire in five seconds!" Grounder said "Let's get out of these dumb bots! We are starting to feel like  bird brain!" Scratch said and Sonic, Brody and Tails get out of them making them regain control as the trio gets zapped by the beam turning back to normal size "We did it!" Tails said highfiving Sonic and Brody.

Brody runs up to the Super Shrink Ray and use it to return the mine to its original size and the place where it belong. He did the same with everything else in the dome till it was empty "That's the last of them, love!" Sonic said "In that case, there's only one thing left to do!" Brody said turning the dial to where it was before "When I get my hands on that rotten rodent and that rotten furball!" Robotnik said and pulls the glove off his head "Ah, got it! Huh?" Robotnik asks as Brody zaps him shrinking Robotnik down to the size of a flea "Hey, what's the big idea! I mean, what's the small idea? I mean, I hate hedgehogs and wolves!" Robotnik said and a cockcroach approaches him "And I don't care for much giant bugs, either!" Robotnik said and screams running away with the cockroach chasing him as the trio watches "Well Sonic, Brody, looks like Robotnik won't be bugging us for a while!" Tails said "Nah, one pest deserves another!" Sonic and Brody said and the trio laughs as they give each other a thumbs up as this chapter comes to an end.

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