C H A P T E R 1 7

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- 2 years ago -

Taehyung's POV

"Taehyung! Come in here!" Dad angrily yelled from his office in the house.

"Yes, dad!" I rushed up the stairs, already knowing the reason why he wanted to see me.

After reaching the top floor of the house, I took slow steps to my dad's office.

I know I'm in for a huge lecture by my raging father.

I knocked on his door, three times before opening it.

"Yes, dad?" I looked down.

"What are these? You tell me, WHAT ARE THESE?!" Dad tossed a large sum of papers towards my direction.

I picked up a piece of paper and realized it was actually a contract between the collab of BOLDNESS Inc. and GOLDEN Inc. for our latest perfume production.

My eyes immediately landed on the bottom right of the paper.

Where the signature line was empty.

BOLDNESS' signature wasn't there.

But GOLDEN's one was.

"Mr. Jeon had just contacted me and told me that this contract was supposed to be signed by you a week ago but you didn't. He had gone to other damn incorporations for this collab. Do you know how much investment was made for this project? Do you know how much we could've made for this project? Do you know, Taehyung? DO YOU KNOW?" Dad shouted as he raised his hands in the air, clearly upset.

I understood the reason as to why he was upset.

I looked down on the floor as a tear slipped out from my left eye.

I'm so sorry, father.

I know how much effort you've put to make our company successful.

I am so sorry for disapppointing you.

If only I had the guts to tell him that.

"To think that you're going to be the heir for this company is making me worried, sick. This isn't a  small issue, Taehyung. It is a good thing that we did not invest our entire company's savings into this project. If that happens, we would face bankcruptcy and it is all because of you."

I nodded, my eyes still facing the floor.

"Taehyung-ah, I am resigning very soon. You need to learn how to step up your game so that this company will succeed. This company has been our pride for years and due to you being careless, our company's name would be tainted?"

I shook my head, indicating a 'no'.

"Then? What could you do to bring up the company's image if it happened to drop? Or worse, getting ridiculed in the eyes of our customers? 'Oh, that company flops!' or 'Such a disappointment to be BOLDNESS' customer.' Would you like to hear that?"

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