F I N A L A U T H O R ' S N O T E

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Hey, my lovely readers! 

As promised, I was going to upload an Author's Note today where I'll be talking a lot about BOLDNESS and a little bit of its background so here it is :D

Firstly, I honestly couldn't believe the fact that I've completed writing BOLDNESS at all. And proud of me to say this, it is all thanks to all of you who had been with me throughout my whole writing journey ❤️

When I first started BOLDNESS in 2020, I never actually imagined myself completing this story till the end at all! BOLDNESS once started off as an inspiration for me to write stories online and it was my first story I've written on Wattpad. Therefore, I wrote this book without any serious intentions of continuing it till the end as I once written this book for fun only.

That was when I realized that I had all of you who were motivating me to continue writing as you guys told me that you were anticipating for the next chapter while I was on a terribly long hiatus. And that was all it took for me to continue update this book. This is why I could never thank you guys enough for your endless support towards my book that actually took me close to two years to finish as you guys taught me that commitment is what brought this book to where it is today! 

You guys have been truly wonderful and kind to me as I do know that my updates could get inconsistent sometimes due to packed schedules. Even so, you guys had understood my reasons and still pushed me forward. I express my sincere gratitude to all of you!

I wrote the first chapter of BOLDNESS when I was in high school whereas this Author's Note is written while I'm currently in college. This book combined with your support would always hold a special place in my heart as it was the first book I've published online and I've been grateful with all of you reading my work! 

Now, you guys may be wondering if I'm going to continue writing another fanfiction or I would just end my writing journey here. The answer is, I will continue writing fanfictions after this. In fact, I'm already working on a new book which I'm going to publish the preview of it on 1st March. As I don't want to be inconsistent while writing the next fanfiction, I'll make sure that for my next book, you guys will be getting regular updates (2 chaps per week, no longer one chap per week) so that you wouldn't have to wait long for the next chapter!  Plus, my semester two (literally the busiest semester ever 😭) will be over in mid-April so it is around that time I'll be more active on Wattpad and would be updating my new book more.

I will be re-editing this book from time-to-time but not to worry guys, the storyline remains the same. I just wanted to improve the quality of my book so that any new readers in the future would be able to read my story better!

And that is it for Author's Note 💖 once again, I thank all of you for your love and support towards this book and I hope to see all of you again in my upcoming book! I love each and every one of you guys and thank you for reading this book!

Signing off,
Your crackhead author-nim.

B O L D N E S S  [BTS V FF]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora