C H A P T E R 7

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- Wednesday, 8.00 am -

Bora's POV
I woke up to the sound of my alarm which was by my bedside and hastily rolled over my bed to switch it off.

After switching it off, I laid on back and stared at the ceiling.

First day of work.

As a secretary.

As Mr. Kim's secretary.

Yesterday's afternoon, Jimin and I went to a boutique to buy some office-wear blouses and a few coloured pencil skirts, which I'm not gonna lie, it really shows off my curves.

On the side note, the price wasn't pretty.

Each blouse cost me the price of my 5-in-1 instant noodles pack.

Nope, not one pack. Perhaps 10 packs.

It was fortunate that Jimin decide to lend a helping hand in purchasing these expensive outfits or I would most likely wear an apron to the office today.

I rose from from my bed and headed to the bathroom to freshen up.

Once I was done, I wrapped my body with my Hello Kitty towel and head to my wardrobe.

Okay. Which outfit should I wear?

After thinking for about an eternity, I decided to go with a red sleeved blouse, a black pencil skirt as well as black stockings and a wristwatch to make it look more formal.

I then head to my vanity table and started brushing my hair with my comb.

Should I tie my hair up?  Or should I just let it down?

Formal, formal, formal,...

Alright then. Tieing up it is.

I tied my hair into a high ponytail but this time, my loose strands were secured on my head with my Bobby pins.

Now, make up.

I recalled how Jina and Hyejin looked like during our encounter before and after the interview.

They were literally caked up with make up.

So as the receptionist. But her make up was on point.

I bit my lips as I wondered if it'll be too much for me to wear such a thick layer of make up on the first day of work.

I then called Jimin to ask for his opinion.

"What is it this time? I just want some sleep" He said as he popped the 'p' when he said sleep.

"What kind of make up should I put on? Light or heavy?"

Jimin's POV

"What kind of make up should I put on? Light or heavy?"

Okay. This is interesting.

I sat on my bed as my phone was still pressed on my ear.

Should I prank her or help her? 

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