C H A P T E R 6 5

444 23 1

Bora's POV

- 1 month later -

"Ms. Lee, I really don't know the answer. Please stop calling me." I whined at the last part to my history lecturer who loves to pick on me to answer her questions when clearly, I was barely surviving with this subject.

The whole classroom snickered at my exaggerated response towards our lecturer, however Ms. Lee shook her head at me in disapproval.

"Ms. Kang, you took up this subject in your course to pursue in your degree and you're telling me you don't even know where is Greece?" Ms. Lee sarcastically said, making me scoff under my breath.

"Definitely not in Pluto." I muttered under my breath.

"What's that, Ms. Kang?" She asked as Jimin was controlling his laughter with his fist over his mouth and looking away from me.

"Oh, nothing, Ms. Lee." I shook my head at Ms. Lee as she narrowed her eyes at me but continued her lecture nevertheless.

I pouted as I slumped back onto my seat and huffed a breath. Jimin proceeded to pat my back and nodded at me with fake sympathy.

"You got a point, though." Jimin said, making me raise a brow at him in confusion.

"Greece is a definitely not in Pluto." He said nonchalantly, earning a whack to the back of his head from me.

"You'd better shut up or I'll slap you back to Busan." I spat as he hissed at me.

- 3 p.m. -

"Sorry, guys. I got to go. I'm actually running late for work but thanks for the meal!" I told Haneul, Jimin and Yura as I stood up from my seat and took my car keys from the coffee table. 

Jimin had confessed to Yura about his feelings towards her two weeks ago and Yura had accepted his confession. Both of them were now dating and are happy being in each other's presence while Haneul and I are literally the side characters in their love life whenever we hung out with them. Today, for example, Haneul and I were just sipping onto our hot coffee while looking at each other blankly as Jimin was shamelessly flirting with his girlfriend right in front of our faces.

"Do you why the name Yura is given to a beautiful girl like you?" He asked Yura who was sitting across from him with a playful smile dancing on his lips.

"Oh, stop it, Chim." Yura shyly slapped his hands which were on the table in front of her as she giggled.

"Because Yura mine. Get it? You are mine." Jimin laughed as he wiggled his eyebrows towards Yura who was already shaking her head at his flirty remark while Haneul and I were shaking our heads in boredom.

"Chim, your brain could go as flirty as this but you can't even locate Greece in the world map." I rolled my eyes at the man beside me.

"As if I was the one that was being asked that question." Jimin glared at me.

Yura is a very pleasant girl, soft spoken and laughs easily at mostly anything so I did not have any issues or took a long time to get used to her presence when she joined us eating or hanging out. She is now seen as part of my friend group now, which makes the five of us, including Taehyung. 

I could also see why Jimin likes her and low-key hoped that they would have mini Parks running around their future apartment soon.

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