C H A P T E R 3 2

737 29 1

- On the same day, 7.30 p.m. -

Bora's POV

"Hi, mom!" I picked up the phone as soon as I saw my mum on the caller ID.

"Hey, sweetie! You've never called me in such a long time. How've you been?" My mum cheerful voice can be heard from the other side of the line, causing my lips to form a smile.

"I'm doing well, mom. There's just a lot of chaos that's happening recently, but it's all good at the end."

"That's nice to hear. Bo, are you free at 9 later?" She asked.

I looked at my wall clock.

"Yup. I'm free. Why, mom?"

"Have you had your dinner yet? If not, I'll drop by at your house at that time and we could have dinner together?" She offered.

Aww yes, homemade meals are the  bomb.

Besides, I was too lazy to cook ramen for myself today.

"That sounds great, mom." I smiled.

"Really? Then, I'll prepare a lot of food for you and Bloomey to enjoy, okay?"

I took a look at Bloomey and saw her wagging a tail at me.

Lil babie is hungry too.

"No problem, mom. I'll see you later."

After the call, I began tidying up my apartment a little bit as I don't want my mum to see the mess I've gathered, featuring the mountain of papers which I've thrown across the room, the hall and the kitchen while studying for college due to stress.

Talking about college, I'm boutta start another whole round of pressure and studying in a few more days.

I rolled my eyes.

Oh right, if my college is starting soon, I couldn't work full time in Tae's company.

Crap, how could I miss out this important piece of information to him?

I quickly dialled his number of my phone and waited for him to pick up.

"Yo. I was about to call you. Please open the door. I'm outside." Boyfie said.

My head snapped towards the door with my eyes widened as if I saw a ghost.

What's with today and the constant visits by other people?

"A-ah yeah." I threw my phone onto my kitchen counter and rushed to the door.

I pulled the door open and saw Taehyung standing outside of it with a large grin stretched on his handsome face.

"Telepathy, ay? I was about to call you to open this up." He gestured the door and entered my house without me inviting him in.

Isn't he becoming way too comfy in my house?

I was about to close the door when another person suddenly popped up from the side.

B O L D N E S S  [BTS V FF]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant