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I was sitting in my home office with my brother.  We we're putting together the final touches of this suprise we have for Aqua.

I can't believe its been seven months since these we found out that we are having twins. I just cannot wait, she already looks like she's ready to pop.

"Alright. So invitations are sent out, the venue has been booked, i checked with the planner and everyhting is complete,the cake maker just has to add on a few touches, the Carters already took care of the music, the dress maker is done with the dress she'll send it over this afternoon and the jeweller has already finished with the embroidery on the jewel." My brother said.

"Okay. I just want everything to be perfect man." I said.

"It will. Don't worry. Just give Aqua the day that she deserves and everything will fall into place. Don't worry man i got you. Now i you will excuse me. I have and finish this plan of yours and make it perfect." He stood up and left.

I looked at the clock and it was 8 o'clock in the morning.  I have to wake Aqua up for her suprise before i go to work.

I went to the bedroom and heard the shower running. Well i guess I'm too late. I had showered earlier so i got ready for work.

10 minutes later Aqua came out of the shower.

"Morning beautiful." I said huggin her and giving her a kiss.

"Morning handsome" she said.

"So i have  a surprise for you."

"Quinton. You know I'm not in the mood to be walking around for this suprise right?" She asked.

"Yes i know.  Which is why i sent the suprise here. So for the whole day you won't have to do anything."

If you're thinking Spa then yes. I ahve booked her and Celest a full Spa day at home. Aqua prefers staying at home because she feels like the due date is closer and the twins are weighing heavy one her.

"Awwwww thank you. I wonder what it is. I know your petty ass won't tell me, but it's cool."

"Yesh that's right. Just make sure you're ready by 9." I took my suitcase and kissed her and  the twins bye.


I have to say Quinton has totally outdone himself. He had the entire spa treatments and workers come to the apartment and treat me and Celest to a full spa day. He had a private chef come and make us amazing meals. Now we have a whole glam squad in our faces.  Apparently this was not my suprise.

"So Celest. Do you know anything about this suprise he has for me?" I asked.


Mmmmmm i know she lying.


After hours of pampering and make-up.  I had thus beautifu crystal dress out on me.

"Whoa girl. You looking hot." Celest said.

"Thank you."

"Now let's go."

"Yeah. Let's go have fun" i said.


"Oh Aqua. Enjoy it while you still can. It's gonna be over in 2 seconds."



Is the story coming to an end????



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