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Quinton's  POV:

Damn, I'm fucking nervous. How the hell do i ask her? Do i give her roses? Nahh that's weird cause i don't even know what type of flowers she likes.

I've been pacing around the living room for the last 20 minutes. I have everything for today planned out, with the help of my brother ofcourse.

Aqua has been staying with me for the last 2 days, today she's going back to live at my parents house and yes you guessed right, I DON'T WANT HER TO GO. I have no say what so ever, she's pregnant and i don't want to stress her out enough.

So today, I'm taking her out just to get to know her a little bit better. I don't know how to ask her, in all honesty i do know how to ask her but I'm scared of being rejected by the mother of my kids.

"Hey what's wrong?" I snqpped out of my thoughts when i heard Aqua behind me.

"Uhhh.... uhmmm..... y-y-y-eah" i finally said. Damn why am i so nervous? And my hands are sweating, my hands never sweat!!!!!!

"Then why is your face so red, and you keep looking at your hands like you just gained a superpower?" She asked.

"Well...  uhhhhm.. mmmmmmm..... i..i...i.. i....Aqua i fucking love you and i realised thati can't live without you. Staying away from you has made me realise that, I'm trying to fix this marriage, but i can't do that without you. I gues what I'm saying is Aqua will you go on a date with me?" I FINALLY asked her.

She just looked at me with wide open eyes. Okay now I'm scared, she shoukd say something right? She should answer and let me know. Damn, she definitely has a reason to run away from me now. I FREAKED her out.  I mean come on you dont just approach someone and just ssy that.

"Yes." My jead snapped at her direction. Tell me I'm hearing correctly.

"Quinton i said yes." She said shaking me out of my thoughts.

"Uhhm. Okay. Juat go get ready and we will leave in an hour. Just wear some jeans and sneakers. Nothing fancy." I said.

"Okay." She left and changed then i turnwd aroundand made a few phone calls. After a while the person finally picks up.

"Yes bro." He said. Of course i called my brother.

" She said yes."i said.

"Okay. Uhmm I'll call Jamie and notify her that you guys are coming." He said. He hung up and i went and got a drink ot water, i really needed that.



We arrived at what looked like an ice-cream shop. To say i was suprised with the date would be an understatement. I didn't expect him to ask me that. To be honest, i still have feelings for Quinton, but i can't just forgive him for what has happened. He knew that stress could cause the babies problems but he didn't care.

So me giving him the silent treatment isn't punishment.  I can tell he is trying to right his wrongs, but he's gonna ahve to fdo morea than just that. He's gonna have to fight for his family. I'm not gonna make it easy for him at all. He didn't make it easy for me, so i guess it's time he lied on his own bed.

"Hey. Let's go." He said. We got out of the car and yes, paparazzi was there.

"Mr Carter are you guys back together?"

"Is it true that you have been sleeping with your ex-girlfriend Grace Monroe?"

At that point,i had just enough of his cheating scandals. Celest,Bey and his mother have been great shoulders to cry on. I couldn't be more greatful for that.

We walked inside the ice-cream shop  and sat down. I have never been to an ice-cream shop where you have a waiter serving. So this was a first.

"Hello. My name is Jamie and I'm going to be your waiter for the day. Here are your menus and I'll be back when you are ready to order." She put the menus down and left.

I looked though the menu and i already knew what i was going to order. I put the menu down and locked eyes with Quinton.

"What?" I asked.

"I messed up didn't i?" He asked.

"Yip. You messed up big time." I said.

"I know we not on the same page with alot of things so. I brought you here, just so we can get to know each other." He said. I looked at him.

"Okay. What do you want to know?" I asked.  Before he could answer the waiter came back.

"Ready to order?" She asked.

"Yes. I'll have the chocolate ice-cream sundae." Quinton said handing back the menu. She  wrote it down and looked at me.

"I'll have the, Vanilla and ice-cream Sundae with some chocolate Ice-cream cake on the side." I said handing back the menu.

"Okay I'll be right out with your orders." She left and i looked at Quinton.

"Okay, so what do you want to know?" I asked.

"Everthing." He said.

"Okay. I was born and raised in New York but the middle class side of life. I have both parents although we don't communicate for certain reasons. I have a sister who you already know in more than one way. I dropped out of high school. I love fashion and designing, i always wanted to be a deigner." I said.

Jamie came back with our orders and left.

"So what about you?" I asked.

"Uhh...I am the oldest of 4 kids. I have a brother and 2 sisters. I was born and raised in New York. I am very excited to have kids with the woman that i love. I messed up big time in our marriage which caused her to go into ICU and i will never stop saying sorry for that."

We talked more and got yo know eachother better.



After having ice-cream with her. We went home where a big suprise awaits her.






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