You're my yellow

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Jamie POV
I'm waiting outside for my car as we finished hugging all our family and friends who congratulate us on our achievements as they also graduated from secondary school education moving up higher in life.
I'm watching everyone else celebrating with their family or friends just making realise that high school is finally over and I have the girl of my dreams talking up a storm with her friends laugh or giggling with laughter of happiness in air as some sad tears are dripping down some people faces as all of our years of this place we made good friends and lost some people in whole journey of it.
"hey love are we to go to papa John pizza to celebrate all of our achievements and Em I'm so proud of you !"i said to her congratulations on her hard work and determination through out this difficult year although she has bigger stormy clouds over her or problems she still manage to keep on going.
She laughs at jokes or phrase her friends saying hugging them back to be perfectly honest with you the only place or arms I want her to be in is mine so , I decide to tell her I spot a booth for us to sit in "hey Emily , comes over here with me to this booth for a second!" I said to her once her attention is focus on me as she tilts up her head and squinting her eyes out of curious to think about there's a reason why I'm calling her to come to me " give me one minute to finish talking to Hazel and then I will be on my way" she said to me afterwards she walks into my direction ,she slide inside our booth running a hand through her hair going for a messy bun but relax look "Jamie babe are you going to tell why you called me over here ?because the suspense is frightening me" she said worriedly to me somehow I get her to stop stressing out for a second or two by placing my hand onto her lacing them through " don't worry about what I'm going to say okay ? The reasons for why I want you to be close to me because I got you a surprise for you!" I said to her and its look like she sighs in relief relaxing her posture when she finishes with calming her heart down she smack on my chest area even though i probably do deserve it.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to give you a fright love" I said admittedly to my wrong to her hoping that she would forgive me for it and we  will carry on as normal.
"Please tell me what being on that handsome mind of you then?" She asks me worriedly squeeze her little button nose cutely and reaches out for my hand underneath the table caressingly as she draws circles on it to take the pressure off of me then later realise the question I'm going to ask her that'll change our life well more likely her than me because she going to have no idea about my surprise.
This day is going to be the best day of her life except for birthdays, Christmas holiday, exams results ,graduation and so the never ending list continues from here. I'm not forgetting the most important details of my carefully written out plan for mission is : first gets everyone else who knows and love including friends and family together, play her favourite songs, our favourite songs, sing it to her, ask her the big question , hopefully everything will go well as planned  for and buy her favourite food or dessert. " there's no reason to worry because it will give you worried lines on your head but I will still love equally just the same.
Ever since I have met you back then but i couldn't help the feeling that we have a really huge connection together and also we instantly click you know ? I don't ever know if I will have this feeling with anyone else however, I am certain that you are the only one person who I will ever well except for our daughter if we have one in our future then I will love her unconditionally love her because she is my princess and you are my queen." I said to her giving my speech about to get down on one knee to proposal to her.
During in giving my speech yet the cashier or Emily friends  from the crowd yelling at me to speed up the process "hurry up I want to to see if she said yes part" impatiently sighing as everyone else who is shaking their head because they want to see the whole romantic scene like we are their television show that is currently airing Netflix. "Don't listen to them and rush it Jamie because my daughter deserve some more effort put into this" said Emily mom giving me thumbs up sign for encouragement.
" don't worry Ms Lancaster , I know your daughter deserve more than this world can give her and I'm planning to do so." I said to her mom who's wiping away her happy tears smiling at us mouthing a thank you to me as I quickly mouthing back no need to thank me because your daughter is the reason why I am so excited to get out of bed every day! Realising that it time to continue where I left off "you are my sunshine a beautifully ray or source of energy that has been made perfectly for me and shows me life from a new brighter perceptions.
If love you can be so much more and beyond then I will love you to infinity times a thousand more years! I will fight for you to realise your worth in the living world is so much greater than you ever expected it to be!
I'm trying to say is that will you marry me because you are my person for the start and my love will never fade away from you like the stars who will never lose their shine.
Will you marry me Emily rose Lancaster?"I ask her to be my wife , best friends and partner in crime with me sliding down a an engagement ring  on her  fourth finger of her left hand and let tell you that her reaction makes me smile even more than before.
" yes yes a thousand times yes you big doofus and of course I will marry you because you are the only person who I will ever want and love for eternity" she says to me nodding her head up and down wiping at her eyes showing me a watery smile as she runs into my arms.
The whole crowd is ecstatic that she says yes after shouting say yes couple of times to her and then her little sister Ellie comes out of the crowd to congratulate us with their mom " does this mean you are my family now? And will I get to be flower girl?" She asks us shyly hugging Emily and I , waiting for an answer on her question which only takes two second to respond back " yes El you can be my flower at our wedding and thank you are always family to me munchkin" I said to her little  sister Ellie who's jumping up and down in excitement squealing.
" you two are serious couple goals like this ultimate team and I hopefully Diego and I will be like you guys one day.I would proudly like to say to everyone I ship them from the beginning and congratulations on your engagement Em." Hazel said to her going in a hug to congratulations and wishing us all the best as her and Emily is jumping up and down with excitement as-well as happiness in this moments when the girls are still talking amongst themselves.
Diego, Matteo and Matt comes up next to congratulate me on my proposal to Emily one at a time. " hey Jamie congratulations on finally putting a ring on your girl finger.  You and Emily deserve all the best after all you two have been through out the years man." Matt said to me.
I'm thinking this is the most mature thing he has ever said to me, I decide not to dwell on it for too long and resume my attention back on the next friend of mine who's going to speak with me. " well done on keeping her happy ,fighting for her love and saving her life back then because I love like will most definitely last long! I am your best man right Jamie?" Diego said jokingly to me at the end of his speech when we do a bro shake afterwards he went to towards Emily and gave her friendly hug "if he does anything stupid or worry you too much give and you need someone else to talk to when he's not around just give me a call yeah because I willingly try my best to help you " he said to her with a smile as the crowd with calling me stupid as a joke.
She simply nodding her head " thanks you for your kind words and congratulations to us" she said cheerily to Diego who's now standing by Hazel side again lastly, to wish us well  with our life today is Matteo and his girlfriend Natalie " I'm so excited for you Emily , congrats you two on finding each other and oh my goodness let me see your engagement ring. It's a really big diamond shaped with your favourite colour" Natalie gasp saying to her but Natalie mood is now ruin by her boyfriend "close your mouth before your mouth starts catching flies" Matteo says to her as I'm trying not to laugh at her expression but Emily hit me "it's rude to laugh at her face expression but I get it is a little bit funny" Emily said to me trying to stuff her laugh instead of bursting out with her laughter like everyone else is doing right now.
We all went to a different restaurant to eat out with friends and family in cosy little food place after I take her to a beautiful moonlight walks by the waterfall scenery behind us looking at stars in

Destiny finds faith book 2जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें