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My first day back in secondary school ever since I was in a car accident a couple of weeks ago I know I know that I should be happy to be back with my friends here however that ain't my case because if you really knew me you would know that I'm the type of person who love to staying in at home or be happy having a little amount of friends compared to having a millions fake friends feeling lonely all the time.
It's time for me to get ready for secondary school today I'm wear black leggings because my skinny jeans didn't fit around my leg cast ,  black tank top with an red crop Addias hoodie and my black uggs boots reaching for my women all saints coat to put it on top of my shoulders quickly grabbing my crutches mom calls me downstairs" Emily darling it time for breakfasts and school" she said shouting out loud for me to hear as i hobbling to get down the stairs until I hear the front door opening " are you here for my daughter Emily ? And please can you help her get downstairs Jamie. Jamie is here have kindly offer to take you to school today " she said to me also thanking him for his kind offer as I stand there leaning on the staircase railings waiting for him to come in feeling butterflies flying in my stomach so excited to see him also letting my mom know that I can hear her "I'm coming mom just give me five minutes and Jamie can you please give me a piggy back ride to the kitchen?" I asks him sweetly adds in " if you don't this I won't sit next to you at lunchtime" as he grumbles complaining about you sitting next to Matt " okay okay you don't have to ask me that question and I don't want to sit next to that clown" he said to me jokingly hearing all of this I kindly remind him that person who he calls a clown is our friends " I know he sometimes have no fillers but you can't just say it like it is! Sure you have a good point and you know he makes you laugh sometimes" I lecture him about making mean comments about one of our friends when I know deep down he may say that Matt but he really does like his friends company.
" fine he is not as bad as I think he is okay! He actually quite funny but he is not you none of these people are you love. You make me smile, laugh , happy, brightening up my day and never give up on me when I keep pushing you away"he said to me as runs my fingers through his hair with my legs on top of him.
"awe Jamie that is the most heartwarming think i ever heard you say to me and mom thank for your special  pancakes breakfast treat. bye Jamie and i are going now leaving on our way to school" i said to him then turning my attention on mum as Jamie walks into the kitchen with me on his back reaching forward to get me a pancake splitting it in half for both of us to eat thanking him then biding my see you later to mom on our way toward the front door closing it behind us" i'm so proud of you for overcoming your big panic attack last week love , you were incredible   and i couldn't ask for more better girlfriend like you" he said gentle opening his car door to place me on his passenger seat and close my side door as he sit down to close his door next laying one hand on my lap and the another on the stereo  wheel  focusing on the road "  could  i play my song on the stereo with your aux cord and can we stop by Starbucks to get my friends some coffee too as we are all stress about our finals coming up please charming"i said bring my best puppy dog  eyes out as i entwined our hands together whilst doing this deep down in my mind Knowing that my puppy eyes will do the tricks.
"Aww come on now you know that you are using your puppy dogs eyes won't work on me if I don't see them right but then you will still use them for your own advantage. Okay fine I give in , so let go Starbucks then and by the way you know you could just ask me without using your puppy doys eyes right because I will do anything for you"he said so willingly and passionately to me while I sit there in his car not knowing what to say absolutely stunned for words as my heart is beating really fast as if I'm done a track race in PE then trying to come up with words to say but reality hit me making me realise I'm in love with him so deeply or every day i start falling more and more for him. When we get to Starbucks he opens his car door for me and hold my hand " you have been really quiet before we got here,are you alright or is it something I said to you" he said pointing out my silence waiting for my answer stumbling on my words decide it time to tell him "Jamie nothing is wrong with me okay , you didn't say anything wrong but it just erm I don't how to tell you this....."I said as he cuts me off asking a question with genuine worries looks on his face "what is running on or going through your pretty little mind then love ?please tell I can make it better" he asks me worryingly sad because I didn't tell him anything when I was about to say.
" Jamie nothing is wrong and if you want to know please let me finish my sentence alright. There's really no problem the reason why I was quiet through the whole car journey because you say all the right words to me also I don't want to pinch myself and wake up from this never lasting dreams" I said to him reassuringly and adds in " silence speaks lot louder that words" it takes sometimes for him to understand as we were finished getting everyone ordered now walking back to the car "because in the silence you start questioning or understand the reason why everything happened in life because it gives you more clarification on the smaller things" he finishes off for me.
We drive to the school parking lot , walks into the school building and spotted our friends talking around my lockers as we approach them where they were all standing also I called out my best friend Hazel name " Hazel ever amazing grey" I whispered yell to her as she spin around her eyes looking for the culprit of who calling her name and when she finally know who it is her eyes landed on me running up to me carefully because I'm still on my crutches finding us a place to sit down on the benches " heya how've you been Em? Honestly you scared the living daylights out of me when I heard the news about your accident" Hazel said genuinely caring about me as I summarise the whole accident " oh erm yeah , do you know about Jamie and I little break from our relationship well basically after fighting with crystals, Jamie tries talking to me but I completely aired him besides the point I didn't think I was thinking straight at all that day. So long story short I bunked school and jumped in my car drove straight to Dairy express an little ice cream shop near the highway of my house whilst I ordered my usual favourite order one of the male employees is trying to flirted at me , I kindly turned him down and collect my order eating until it was dark got in my car and the rest is history" I said to her as we were walking back with our friends to our classroom.
" I heard that you Jamie cool off the bet and waiting for you outside your hospital everyday after school refusing to go back home. Girls it's must have been so romantic when he saved you and watching all theses Disney films with you"Hazel said to me awning at my love life like it come out of some sort of romantic movies.
" yeah it's still is but hang on what did you just said ? Can you please repeat it again?" I asks Hazel lost for words as it all coming back to me. She did repeat it again " he saved your life Emily" she said again.
I'm having flashbacks oh my days so it really is him that saves me " I got to go because I have to do something important see you late.
Five hour later ********************************
I'm waiting outside for Jamie to finish his last lesson since I have a free period and I uses my conditions as an excuse to get out of my lessons what can I say work like a charm! Of course I wasn't lying because I do feel little bit dizziness and I think a headache is coming along badly with it.
" hey Jamie thank for saving me" I said hugging him crying so much as he gladly returned back my hug " I will do anything for you love like I said this morning" he said softly to me caressing my face.
We left school and he drove me to my house kissing my forehead " I was thinking if I could come to your next boxing match" I said to him because I wanted to support him in action however he didn't agree with me " it is to dangerous for you right now in this state but you could come to my match next week because this is my whole week off boxing match" he said to me coming up with alternative suggestions."I really see where you're going with this , we don't have to go to other people ones and why don't we just go to the beach or do reckless activities. I feel like You're not getting any of my points for this is because I feel safe with you , do make me a dangerous woman and you make want to do things that I shouldn't" I said to him smiling happily.
The rest of the day we just spend it with each other listening to old song ,looking at my photos I mades and having a really nice decent conversation.

The rest of the day we just spend it with each other listening to old song ,looking at my photos I mades and having a really nice decent conversation

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