Fragament memory

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Waking up to unwanted dreams more like a nightmare of the past year pain staring back at me through an glass mirror noticing small changes as this year I finally managed to crack a smile on my face as they said everything midnight is more surreal than anything else because the beauty of the sky is truly magnificent as the tinkling golden or sliver stars a-line with the night sky and moon capturing a moment with my camera I quickly take off my night stand clicking away or zooming into instead of waking up hazel my best friends or Ava another close friend of mine since nursery I knew her unfortunately she moved with her parent two year ago to another side of the world Australia after her brother past away his name Callum .
He was like a big part of my life always being supportive or scared all the boys away which I used to complain about how annoying it was for me back then until everything when crashing in down down so fast and quickly that I couldn't have pause time learning that I should taken things for granted because he was my favourite male figure in my life if I could somehow turn back time stop the car crash from happening or Didn't ask him to get my favourite bubble tea with curly fries just maybe he would been alive today and not he funeral his mom was weeping while his dad was trying to remain strong meanwhile his sister my closest friends Ava was crying as silent tears was falling down her face dark blue eyes wiping away her tears as Hazel and I were there her with all this shallow feelings in my chest struggling to cope as I  kept thinking it was my fault having constantly reminding of that day the accident happened.
Flash back
Ava and I were sitting in the back seat talking normally as I asked him if he could please change station on the radio we had a little disagreement with the song until the thing i know were hit in a collision on the way back home after he took us to the beach.
Next thing I remember is waking up in the hospital doctor are asking questions " do you remember your name?" , " birthday and what happened yesterday" I guess I must've blackout completely worrying about Ava and Callum answer all my questions " yes my name is Emily, I'm 15 year old and living with my mom Hailey" ," my birthday is 14 th March 2005 and erm I was on way back home with Ava ,hazel and I closet friend and her older brother Callum that's all I remember" yes you seem to gain some of remember back from what at the accident  but we still need to assess your health your healing" doctor Leroy said to me before talking with the nurse " this is nurse Maggie and your friends is in room 127 she is resting up and she is healthy too however I'm sorry to say this but gentleman her brother was in life support although he die in the afternoon due to the impact trying saving both of you first before the car exploded" I sobbing so much as my parents rushing into the room hugging me. Hazel asking me about how I am feeling " how are you?" She asks me concerned about my wellbeing " my arm is sprained and I'm not worried about me because I'm fine" practically lying through my teeth adding "I think we should be more worried about the Brian family because they have lost their only son and their daughter is in the hospital room 127"..............

Sitting up in bed all night my sister Ellie come opening my door asking to share bed with me " can I please sleep in here tonight"she said doing so pouting at me with puppy doy  eyes I taught her so well now even I can't say no because i need comfort away from all the negative thoughts in my mind " yes you can sleep in here tonight Ellie and you don't have to ask me again because you know I love you so much right to the moon and back , good night " i said to her pushing her hair out the way as she said it back to me " love you too sissy and good nighty" she yawns as if it is contagious i starting to yawn after her from there we fell asleep.
Next morning I wake up to my sister Ellie jumping on my bed getting both of ready for today once we are done I take downstairs to our mother as I manage to make progress eating one pancakes saying that biding them good bye heading out the door walking to hazel house cross the street messaging Jamie as I walk through hazel from door " hey Ms Lancaster how are you doing today" I said to her as she pulling me in for a hug trying to stop myself from crying again as she said " aww honey I'm good but it not me today. How are you feeling and please don't try bottled your feelings away because it will do you no good" I know deep down she is right but still I want to act like nothing happened buried my feelings until I'm numb instead I just give her a sad smile changing the subject " well I'm going to spend my day with Hazel and Jamie going to my grandpa and Callum gravestone to talk to them" I said to her just as Hazel comes running down the stairs and hug me "remember it is not your fault okay , you are not the one to blame except the drunk driver is and we are going to visit them with that boyfriend of yours" she said trying to get me brighten up walking out the door saying bye to her mom first who called out "next time call me shellie because ms Lancaster make me feel too old anyway you know I'm a cool mom" she said jokingly laughing at that statement hopping in Jamie  car as he drive us to the graveyard giving him the directions sitting in the front seat holding his hand as I take his aux cord plugging it into my phone playing feeling somethings by bea miller after that song I played use somebody by neon of kings.
We finally arrived at our destination I was about to open the door but he held my hand "love can I talk to you for more than a minute" he said anxiously waiting for my response awwing because I think it seriously adorable " of course what it is you wanted to say and for the record I think my grandpa even Callum would've like you a lot" I said to him smiling through those tears as he wiping them away he pulling me for a hug kissing my forehead and say the most beautiful thing to ever " do you know through every dark clouds there is light that passes over it called sunshine and your mine sunshine"that the heart warming thing I ever hear kissing him on the lips adding in " okay hotshot time to visit them like you promise" I move out of his lap onward to the graveyard happy that I have some who cares for me.

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