Something about her

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Jamie POV
I'm sitting there on my room desk chair thinking to myself after she thank me for saving her life that one day ago little did she know she saved me from myself because before her I was spiralling in a deep dark path but you see I known her for years nows back two years ago when everybody thought it was going to be the end of the world fate brought us together as I get to know her little by little she is like a breath of fresh air that I never get tired or bored from when she is here standing next to me because I know there ain't nothing common about her.
Sitting up on my chair messaging my friends on phone for a few minutes: J= Jamie/ me , D=Diego and m= Mateo.
Bro do you two have anything plan for tonight - Mateo
Well yes I ask her out on a date a couple of days ago and she said yes - me

which I'm so pumped about planning everything for our date .
Oh yeah that reminds me I forgot I have to go somewhere - Diego
I think he is being secretive about his whereabout today but Mateo and I decided to let it slide for now because we already know he not going to tell now.
So you two are busy , good luck on your date bro I know Emily going to love it and Diego I have no clue about where you are going claiming your busy as well - Mateo
Still not telling you mate but nice try - Diego
I'm adding up two and two together somehow I come up with conclusion that it Emily best friend Hazel.
I already know who he is seeing steels and that where he is going today- Me
I reply to Mateo with a smug smirk on my lips knowing I'm completely correct about my assumptions is true.
I can tell you have that smug smirk on your face so I'm just going to say it now.
It is Jamie girl best friends called Hazel and we hit off back at the Emily place talking a few days late I know can't get her out of my mind- Diego
Dude you are totally whipped and I notice you not join me making fun of him- mateo
The only reason why I'm not because I know that feeling and you can't talk right now.- me
Why not please enlighten Johnson?-mateo
Because it's like Natia have you wrap around her finger and you know that she wears the pants of you guys relationship - me
I agree dude you just took the word out of my mind- Diego
I don't know what you two are possible talking about - Mateo
Just wait and see - me
Nice talking to you guys and bye I gotta go - me
Clicking on my phone to Emily and I chats: Emily =E and me =Jamie.
Dress comfort is the dress code love - me
Preparing myself for our date bring my guitar tuning give it a quite drumming humming snapping out of the middle of the first verse because I hear my phone ringing decide to check who the I'd caller is ... Emily " hey love what up and I got a special surprise for you at the end of our date" I said to her imagining a smile on her face when she hear me singing to her will be priceless in a good way.
I'm confused suddenly when I hear someone else voice through my speakers phone " your girl Emily over here , my best friend is freaking out about what to wear because she worries you might not like it" Hazel said to me sighing to myself because I know she worries I might judge her hearing a subtle voice in the background " you did not say that H , I can't believe you and give me my phone back" she said to Hazel muffled sounds in the in background waiting for Hazel to give her the phone already.
"Listen you can wear anything even a garbage bag and still look like the most beautiful girl in the world to me love" I said reassuring Emily that it doesn't matter how she looks like and trying to stop her insecurities from taking over her emotions hoping she believes me.
" I guess you right Jamie" she say to me on a small voice I can tell she still overthinking her worth "love stop being to hard on yourself and what is it going to take to get that sassy, talented, fierce and beautiful brave girl back?" I said to her hearing giggling through the phone I knew then that she is special to me.
" you say that to all of your girls you are with" she asks me sassily just to know if I really mean it or just saying it to get in her panties shaking my head at her comments "of course not and do you want to know because you are the only i really care you about so what if I have fangirl ? I don't care about them because they are not you and will never be you" I say to her spew out word that are completely utter true " ok I believe you J" she said to me.
Five minutes later
I'm waiting at her hotel room door checking if I can come in " is everything decent and can I come in I'm here to take Emily on a date" I said through her door once I get a response " yeah you can come in" Hazel said to me as I walk in the room sitting on the bed Hazel giving her a little hype up introduction " now it time to show you the one and only Emily Lancaster, she isn't only smart , gorgeous, beautiful but I will be damn she a stunner. My best friends Emily" Hazel said as I spot my love walking out the bathroom I remained speechless " what a cat got your tongue handsome "Emily said to me sarcastically not knowing I was looking at her for too long " you look beautiful and I just give me moments to take it all in" I said direct my words to Emily she blow me away right now.
Riding on my motorcycle with her holding onto my back tightly zooming to our date In the arc de triumphant later that night we talks about life , eat food that I prepare for us , dancing in the moonlight and I singing to her talk me by Zayn Malick playing on my guitar as we both look at the stars.
Let just say it was a pretty successful date because we seal the deal with a kiss and took her back to her hotel room afterwards showing her my gentleman side instead of acting on impulse of pleasures.

 Let just say it was a pretty successful date because we seal the deal with a kiss and took her back to her hotel room afterwards showing her my gentleman side instead of acting on impulse of pleasures

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