Opening up

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Jamie pov
Waking up this morning from remembering I promise her to visit her dead loved ones which is her grandpa and close friends that was like a big brother to her getting ready as I quickly jumped in the shower , getting dressed in my white muscles t shirt , black jeans and leather jacket sliding on my white Air Force graving my phone of my night stand walking down stairs hearing my phone ping checking the message from my girlfriend Emily sent me reading it says that she arrived at Hazel house and they are both currently waiting for me there outside her friend's house.
Searching for my keys and wallet where I find them in the same at times one is on the counter such wallet while the other items is in my leather jacket pocket deciding to buy all of us breakfast from Starbucks especially Emily favourite cinnamon swirl with mango frappe for drink when I reached Starbucks parking my car turning off my engine as I get out my car heading to Starbucks to get our breakfast first lines ordering while waiting for our food and drinks to come texting Emily I'm going to be there soon once the barista girl said my name " Jamie your order is ready so, your girlfriend is one lucky girl to have you as her boyfriend buying her foods and all" she said to me as i looking for her name tags on her uniform that says Chantelle " I'm the lucky one Chantelle because she is one and millions special. You know I get the feeling she gets me in no way anyone else has she make me smile and so on" I said to Chantelle wishfully thinking about my girlfriend right now.
Her smile light up the whole room whereas it contiguous makes everyone happy especially those beautiful eyes are her lit like a little child in a candy shop whenever her friend songs play in the radio station or making her laugh sounds like angelic music in my ear.
Turning my attention back snapping to hearing a ding from my phone she texted me saying that I should drive safely with a smiley emoji texting her back now
Drive safely and be safe- Emily
I will don't worry. On my way now .love - me
I'm walking out the door heading to my car pressing my car keys button to open the door slide down the seat placing our food on the passenger seat closing my door next to me reversing out the car park driving straight to Hazel house to pick them both up taking them to their friends brother grave and her grandpa gravesites making my destination arriving seeing a blue painted packing in-front of the house beeping my car as they both walking up to it as Emily opening the door I surprised her with breakfast "wait I've got you breakfast babydoll"I said suggest to the goods she thank me with a kiss, I'm pulling her closer so I can get more Hazel in the back seat making comments " woah as much as I am happy to see you two lovebirds are finally happy together but don't we got places to see" she laughs at what said hazel waving it off hopping into the passenger seat notice that I call her babydoll instead of love " hey you called me babydoll instead of love like you used too" she said to me creasing her face looking up at me also because the sun was in her face taking off my sunglasses putting it on her face answering her questions " yeah I guess I did, if you don't like it then i will think of something else to call you or just change it" I said signed while quickly switching Lane she objects shyly "no I don't mind it but I like it more when you call me love" she said hiding her blushing " no don't hide it because I think it cute when you blushing getting flustered , embarrassed or shy" I said making her smile as she give me the post code and direction guiding me the whole time spotting a banner say graveyards in the gate she opened the car door munching some food before we go out handing her the food " here you go love just as you like it"
I said to her treating her right three seconds later Hazel my girl best friend asked where her food" jerk where Is my food" she said jokingly waiting until she done talking looking at her blandly pushing her food towards her " here your food because we wouldn't want to upset a girl beast when she is hungry now would we?" I asked rhetorically to no one in particular she neither hear me saying but choosing to ignore me or you didn't because she was too busy digging into her breakfast I thinking it was the latter option.
"Can you guys just please get along" she said sounding exhausted running her hand through my hair her free hand taking in comfort feelings nice when she did that despite her good feels right I took an initiative to do something amazing for her asking her how she feels, giving her my hoodie and supporting her when she needs me the most "I'm just joking with her love relax and tell me her you really feeling about today" I said to her cradling her face push the mess strands out of her eyes of her hair smoothing her by drawing circles on her hand locking eyes with me telling me exactly how she feels as I helping her push the pain away tears are pooling in her eyes taking a deep breath she said " thanks you so much for being here and listening to me" I just nodding my head because when she in pain or upset it makes me sad or hurt  I can't fix this for problems her instead letting out what I'm thinking I just tell her " I would be there in a heartbeat for you and do it all over again! Do you hear me because you are my sunshine even on my darkness day you brighten the cloudy of sky" I said to her holding this feeling in my heart but I don't know what it is called yet never the less the words I say to her are true meaningful words she smiling as tear pouring out of eyes right now oh dang it did I make her cry giving her a look of confusion " you know you have a way with words Jamie and to answer your silent question you are probably thinking in your mind no these are anything but sad tears right now" she said to me put a small smile on her face hugging me tightly as if she never wanted to let go not caring if she ruined my T-shirt with her makeup which it probably didn't because she wearing a special spray hey the only reason how I know about this is because my other friends called Leo girlfriend talk about it a lot.
"We should go on a road trip since it is our last year in school together" I said to them as I'm getting out of my car opening the door for her to come out she agreed with me " oh yeah slipped my mind with all this revision paper but I think it would be an great idea. I'm in what you Hazel?" She said including hazel in our plans squinting her eyes at the sun as she join the conversation " sure  count me in and I'm allowed to invite our friends?" she ask me not caring anyway typing in her and Emily group about the road trip plans decided to do the same texting my friends as well turns out everyone agrees " saying yes" or "cool" in the group chat " okay now that is done lead the way love" I said to Emily nervously rubbing the back of my neck as she take my hand pulling to their grave stone watching her admiringly as she talking to the people who were once in her life until she called me over talking about how amazing and lucky to have me with her " you two won't believe it I think find a guy who I can trust and won't never judge me. How lucky is that? I'm pretty sure you will both love him" she said wishing to that I could've meet them unfortunately it to late for due to certain circumstances correcting her stepping up next to her " no I'm the lucky one here because she keeps me in check and I'm grateful to her to called her mine" I said appreciating leak through my voice throughout my whole sentence .she placing one plastic daffodils near both of their grave stepping back to let Hazel talk " hi grandpa A and Callum I know you didn't like my ex boyfriend even though I'm too stubborn I should have listen to you guys both. To be honest I do regret how much my excellent of judgement was blinded by his boyishly charm and oh erm rest in peace" she explains everything that happened with Jacob her to how she is in good hand now saying our goodbyes heading to the car as we all jumped in Jamie drive us to hazel house dropping off back there giving me a good bye kiss and hazel and I rest our rest of the night talking to each other until we both fall asleep.

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