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Saturday afternoon I slept in today because I was feeling quite tired from watching my best friend Hazel dancing competition, I'm so happy for her that she won after all her training and hard work. Later on that Friday I watch my boyfriend Jamie boxing matches cheering him on oh my goodness my screaming for him was so loudly that I ended up with a sore throats today but it is totally worth it because I do anything for him as long as he's treating me like a queen then I will be fine.
I forgot to mention but he totally kicked that guys ass yesterday which means he won not surprisingly though because I for one know he was going to win because I believe in him .
the next day which is today in the afternoon he took me to an ice ring in Florence Avenue palace we went ice skating you know that moment where you dream of attempting to do what professional Ice skaters do?
Let's just say after many laughable and sad failures attempt I finally achieved it now I practiced does make you perfect through out the whole skating in the ice ring he didn't even laugh at me he does the exact opposite and whispered encouraging words into my ear "you can do this love and hold onto my hand"he said encouraging me with his words as we glide on the ice ring together feeling so ambitious.
Give him the one look and it is like he's read my mind as I skating towards him jumping up he catches me perfectly in his arm just like the scene in the movies, he slowly but gently he place me down on the ground slipping his fingers through Mine own small one.
" let go to the cute coffee shop down the babe" I say to him happily leaning to his embrace as he gives me a forehead kiss that ignites my heart,body , mind and souls smiling brightly up at his brown milk chocolate eyes as he crease his eyes twinkling holding back a smirk.
" woah did you just called me babe? Love. That is new one and I ordered your drink for you"he said to me jokingly and surprising in way seemingly my words have affect on him making his eyes darkened in colour causing me to blush because If he know what I'm thinking which lead me to him teasing me for five minutes " what you don't like it when I call you that?" I ask him shrugging my shoulder not having a complete clue where this is going to be honest taking me off guard he actually chuckles not ones of the sarcastic one but deep chuckles come inside his stomach bending over laughing and so I stand there and think to myself that is one fine specimen God really took his time with him.
I'm not even joking ! How did I end up so lucky or all the stars are a-line because I kind of believe in faith until my world has been turned upside down completely off balance , fighting zombie apocalypse,blaming myself thinking I was the only problem or perhaps people will be happy without her and I know I know it begins to starts sounding absurd now.
All this time it really took me a long while to figures out I was getting in the way of my own personal happiness because I finally starting to feel safe ,loving myself again aswell as opening up and becoming vulnerable.
If someone ask me do I believe in things happening for a reason or faith? then I will just say I will try to get back to you on that one because I'm still going through some bearable struggles right now but what I can tell you is always believe and have higher hope in the heavens you want know why?
There is someone who watching you go through all your downfalls knowing you are going to come out the other side and achievements every single hard work that you have ever done in your lifetime.
" are you alright there sweetheart? What are you thinking about in that big mind of you love? And it seems to get you looking in a dazed state" he said to me sounding awfully worried about me because I haven't say anything yet to him whilst I don't know how to tell him that my mind is filled with so much complicated important information about what I'm thinking is how we are so in love with each other like are we falling to faster and hard until it goes to a crash landing or should I go with the flow shaking my head as I turn around my eyes landing on his eyes looking, searching attempting to see through perceptions of love, " I'm good Jamie nothing is bothering me but I want to know what is your interpretation of love and soulmates" I said to him listening intently to him talking to me.
"Oh okay erm well I think that when you love a person so much as in my case I love you so much that i will do anything for you just to make you happy , like nothing is important enough than you and I will drop anything I'm doing for you like if you are hurting, sad ,scared, worry or upset I will still be there for you at anytime , anyplace or anywhere.
We may have some sunny or dark stormy clouds days ahead us but I will always support you no matter what and yes I believe in soulmates otherwise I wouldn't have found you." He said to me as I'm listening on to him talking I'm hearing full emotional feelings radiating off his voice and he adds in " love you make me so happy all the time and I can't never get enough of you" I'm going completely speechless right now as happy tears are falling out of my eyes thinking I never want us to fall out of love with him.
" how do you always know the right thing to say to me and my  gosh I can't sing a song or say something thinking about you without smiling so much more lately also I think my face is hurting because of it" I said to him as secretly squealing so much more inside my mind.
" you look so drop dead gorgeous when you smile honestly love and I just want to protect you from all the danger in the world have yet to come. Whenever you feel scared call me , think of me and please stay safe remembering your problems is just as bigger than everyone else problem okay Emily" he said to me searching for my answer in my eyes because all I responding with is a small nod of my head.

 Whenever you feel scared call me , think of me and please stay safe remembering your problems is just as bigger than everyone else problem okay Emily" he said to me searching for my answer in my eyes because all I responding with is a small nod o...

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Destiny finds faith book 2Where stories live. Discover now