No Name

15 1 0

I had this all figured out in my head
On what I was gonna write down in words to explain whatever is going on

But now,
every single word
Won't come back to me

Hard to write right now
Can't think of what I was going to put

Just thought it'd help with things

I guess

Stupid head won't stop pounding
Can't remember a good nights rest
With no meds

Or when the bags under my eyes weren't so dark that they'd be almost black/purplish

When I'd have enough energy to run circles around people for hours/the whole day

Stupid numbness

I've had it in me for over a year or two now

It's just increased the last eight months

Go away...
Just make all of it go away
I don't want to walk down the aisle to get my diploma in six months
Not without you
I don't want to go through what I went through to save them

My eyes feel so heavy right now
But I know
That I won't sleep
I'll most likely have nightmares

I'm so sick of saying the same old
"Oh I'm used to it"
Yeah well,
me being used to it has basically destroyed my spirit

Maybe I should just give up and not do what I've wanted to do for over a year.

A woman who overcame herself Where stories live. Discover now