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First time I've wrote on here in a while

Well, I graduated high school
I was so nervous during graduation
When they had us graduates sitting there I kinda calmed down
Then all I thought was Matthew, and I had to do my meditation exercise to calm down a bit because I could feel my breathing was not a steady pace
When they finally called my name and I walked that path to get my diploma, I contained my tears and my screams because all I wanted to do was scream in joy and pride that I fucking graduated and I am finally done with all the people who fucked with my life, and to thank for the ones that stood by my side

I am getting things ready to when I go to college this fall
Considering of getting a part time job on the weekends so I can use the weekdays to go camping and do other things before I leave
Oh yeah, I visited Matthew's grave a few weeks ago
Ever since then I've been thinking of him everyday more than I did before I visited the cemetery
I'm looking through old photos of when I was younger and I am finding a ton of him and I and it hurts to be honest
It's not like the pain I felt the first two years of his death
It's not the dying, literal heartbreaking feeling I had those years.
It was just a little bit of missing him and me wishing I could just save these photos of him and I for myself and let no one see him
But yet I want to show off the first person I was truly in love with and who always protected me no matter what

I've gotten a lot of offers from family friends for my paintings
I can sell like four for $120 and people are in love with them
That's my other thing I can do to make some cash that I'll put aside for my college degree

A woman who overcame herself Where stories live. Discover now