What do I do

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Sleepwalking last night again
All I did was take my retainer out and brush my teeth when I woke up
Then the nightmares came

They were about you and guys at my apartment trying to be nice only to screw me

I feel my anxiety turning over in my stomach and chest like a storm awaiting to rise

I have two more classes today then I can go home and breathe
I am scared
I am scared a guy will take advantage of me

Five hours later

So my roommate was gone with a huge group of guys for three hours
Then a smaller group of guys bang on the door and ask where she is and I'm like I have no idea
So she was wherever with them
And idk if she drank or whatever
It's not my responsibility to babysit her
God I am tired
Today was a emotional/mentally draining day
I just want to sleep
But I can't
My mind won't shut down to relax

My decorative lights just went out
Complete darkness besides my phone screen

God damm
Why do guys and people need to drink and party
I wish Matthew was here
I really could use a hug and some big brother advice from him on this
I wish he was still here

I wish the sage bullshit didn't get involved with summer cause I actually just thought of her
All I have is Sarah
I love her so much
But she's been trying to encourage me to make a few new friends
I've been trying
So much for her
But she gets me
We've been through our shit
But Sarah just gets me

I've talked to a few people
And have been participating in class and got interest in some clubs
But I still have no new friends

Anyways, I think I'll be okay
Tomorrow is a new day
A fresh start
Hopefully I'll hear about the job offer soon

A woman who overcame herself Where stories live. Discover now