Six Feet Under

30 7 1

I can go a little while longer

Or can I?

I'm losing control again

Everyone says it'll get better


All of them fucking lie and do not know shit

I try my best

But, for some people, my best is never good enough

I continue to fight my fucking wars by myself

No one helped when I needed them

I surely don't want pity help now


I hate it

Makes me feel so fucking weak

I ain't weak

Some people need to realize that by now

Then again, some never will

Everywhere I am, so are you

Why can't you just come back?

Damm you!

Where are you when I need you the most!

I'm trying to get through this thing called life

It isn't working well if you can't tell

I don't want to be alone

I already lost you

I don't want to lose anyone else

I just wish you could come back

I don't want to leave fucking flowers on your grave

You're not supposed to be in the fucking ground

I fucking hate life sometimes

Don't you?

A woman who overcame herself Where stories live. Discover now