I miss it but yet i dont

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Do I miss being together with someone?
Sometimes yes

I miss the physical affection between the two partners
I miss the effort put in
"How're you doing today? How is your anxiety/etc."
I miss having someone laying next to me in bed knowing they're there in case I need them or they need me
I miss matching clothes
I miss sharing my hobbies with them

I just miss those certain things in the relationship scheme

I went hiking last weekend with a friend and we were having an amazing time and I thought "oh wow I wish I was dating someone to show this too so they and I can do this"

But even though I miss all that
I don't regret not being single
I like my independence
I like having 1000% control over my life
No one to give me crap
No one to boss me
No one to say I can or can't do this
No regulations
No worrying about if they'll get mad if I wear this certain outfit in public
No stupid fights

No none of that

A woman who overcame herself Where stories live. Discover now