Into the unknown

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How ironic things change within a blink of an eye
One minute I'm laughing and stress free
The next minute I'm attempting to hold myself together while I pack my shit to leave
Never thought I'd actually walk out the door

First off, don't be so high and proud and think I'll just go slit my throat cause I'm the way I am
I don't even wanna get into all the bullshit you said to me tonight
But I'm glad I got in my car and I left
Granted I was so freaked you were following me
But I left
Now I just need to figure out how to survive
And how to live my life soon
I'm so tired right now
I'm just exhausted
I wish I grabbed my sleep meds also just so I had a thing to lean onto when I need it
I don't have him anymore
Only have like two people now who care
Well, if you get to them I probably won't have them anymore
I wish I left on better terms
Not me slamming the door and cursing you out
I want all my stuff from your place
It's mine and not yours
You better not do anything to any stuff of mine

In a month he'll be eighteen
I hope he has a good birthday
He deserves it
Wish I had a good birthday
But I'll just take one day at a time now
Wondering where I'll go next

A woman who overcame herself Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя