Fuck clams

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A year and six months
I called you mine
You called me yours
You bought me a promise ring a year into our relationship
I was predicting getting married to you after high school

Then Lynette got involved
So you broke my heart and spared us the heartbreak that was killing us
You left me

Three years later
I've moved on
Made a few major mistakes but it's life
Then I get a new life

A new life I created for myself
People who love me for who I am
The animal lover
The sexy country girl
The photographer
The bookworm
The fun one to play drinking games with
The one who gets funny when drunk
The sassy one
The badass
How I decorate things
How I write
How I make lists
The little things that make me who I am

Then you show back up in the middle of me living my new life
The old me clashes with new me
Last time we talked I told you to fuck off and if I killed myself out breakup would be your fault

Obviously I didn't die

But it was hateful words I wish I had taken back

Now in the middle of may you're texting me
"How's life?"
Being polite I answer saying it's great
I didn't expect a month of talking again
I apologized for past behavior
You accepted my apology
Then I adjusted to talking to you again
I wanted normal closure
I was getting close to getting it
Then you ghosted me


I get I did shitty with sage but really
You ghost me almost two weeks ago
After I was letting myself remember everything between us even the fucking nasty parts
That I didn't think bout for two years

All I got to say
Have a good life
I hope things get better
Even if we're not together, I wish you the best
And I love you in a old way.
Nothing intimate, just love you

Have a good life cause
I won't let my past wreck the life
I've spent the last year creating

A woman who overcame herself حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن