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So I'm basically all packed to move

Yesterday at work there was a new guy
He's 19
Thinking of going into the marines
Has a dog plus three cats
He has an accent but don't know where from
Lives in delta area

he was flirting with me a lot
I talked to him when I needed to explain something but I didn't flirt back
And I had to teach him how to wash fucking dishes apparently

So I was super flustered
I shook slightly the whole time

Couldn't wait til my shift was over
Now I don't ever have to see him  again

I wanted to cry cause one girl there was teasing me and I told her I don't date and I haven't wanted to date since I left sage

I don't want a obligation over my head
I don't need some guy in my life right now
I like being single
And I have a career I need to get

Tonight was my last night at the clinic
It was emotional

But it had to be done for me to move forward

Right now I'm just relaxing
Kinda want panko chicken but it's too hot to make some

Can't wait to move
I'm so excited

A woman who overcame herself Where stories live. Discover now