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Type was stunned to Tharn's confession.....

He thought of confronting Tharn about that night and so much more...but when he saw him at the mansion.. everything went blank... he was having mixed feeling of happiness and sadness.. he saw how his man has grown up.... His young face shows signs of maturity...but those eyes... were seeing right through him... melting his soul.... And when he came close and hugged him.... the doctor lost control. His arms hugged the elder back like those arms were starving for the hug...

Type's rational thinking was gone down the drain.. his mind ..his heart every part of his body wanted that man...and as the man hugged him ..he felt that the senior was facing the same issues..

Lost in their world that they didn't realize that a young boy was looking at them in awe and an older woman was smilling...

When Mael called his father.. they both came to their senses... and Type in denial ran from there.... He didn't think twice he didn't look back...he ran to his car.. drove off to his apartment....

He was sure that he had forgiven Tharn a long time back seeing baby Mael playing with Tharn's Mom.. He accepted it as fate....

Now seeing Tharn at his door ... explaining the night and claiming to court him... is making his head messy...

he needed to talk to and only person who can help him right now is his brother Llong.. he thought about Champ and Kla but he also knows that they are too emotional when it comes to him... ..and after having their partners ...they are too vulnerable

so noe the only person who can help him out of this mess is his PLlong...

he took his car keys and went to the underground parking lot...

Before starting the car he called Dr Suparat

"Hello.. good morning Dr. Kana..." said the senior doctor

"Good Morning Dr. Suparat... I called you to ask if he could have the day off....can you please grant me one day leave?? I will send my leave letter... for today!!" Type pleaded.....

After some time Dr. Suparat said ... " okay Dr. Kana.. I will grant you today's leave..."

"Thank You... and please let Mr Thirigun know how sorry I am for not coming today.. I have.. mmmmmm never mind... its some personal issues I need to handle... have a good day.." Type was so glad to have an understanding Senior..

Type disconnected the call... and drove his way to PLlong's office..

At PLong's Office

Sir your brother is here to see you..said the secretary over intercom.

Okay send him in and cancel all my meetings for today..

But Sir you have an important meeting with the Foreign Delegates..

Yes I Know I will talk to them personally..

Okay Sir..

When Llong heard his younger brother is here to see him...he knew that's Type .. and it has to something urgent.

He called the Secretary of the Foreign delegate and requested them to schedule their meeting tomorrow.. he has some family business to attend..

The person was happy to see that the person with whom they will be having a Tie-up ... gives importance to his family...

Ms Becky.. " Please don't disturb me till my brother leaves..." he informed her.

"Yes Sir.."

As he put down his phone... Type entered.. Looking at his brother Llong's suspicions came true..

P.. said Type in a cute pleading voice.. I need your help.. my head is so messed up.... I cant think..

Said Type in one go...

Llong saw Type ... his old Type.. pouting cutely at him... and thinking what made him change in few hours...

"Calm down Type.... Tell me what happened!!"

Type calmed himself down and told his P every single thing that happened..while watching his brother's reactions...

Llong's mouth as opening and closing....he was listening to his brother in AWE...

Type finished his story and sighed .... He looked up to his brother to see him in Trans...

"P? P?? what do I do??"

"Huh.. yeah..about that.... Type you are saying all this happened within a month of your arrival?? Huh.. dude..."Llong smirked..

"P don't laugh ...tell na..what to do?? I cant think of anything.. and again thinking of PTharn courting me.. ME!!... I am so I don't know CONFUSED?? NERVOUS?? AHH!! What do I do??????

Llong smiled and patted Type's back... my baby..don't think about anything.... Just go with the flow..Okay... I know you think I am speaking Nonsense.. but dear brother.... After HIM.. I found K' and just got with the flow.. now see.. we are about to get married.. we took our time to know each other... your case I a bit different.. but the way to handle it is the same.. so just go with the flow...

Are you SURE P? I am doing a MISTAKE to accept Tharn's Courtship??

Type .... How will you know that giving him a chance to court you is a mistake unless to go through it.. you might not know this.. but I have watched Tharn change...after you left.. after Puifai I think its okay to give him a chance.. but don't let your guard down.... Unless your heart is absolutely sure about these feelings...

Llong brushed Type's hair with love and patted it... JUST GO WITH THE FLOW..TYPE...

Type nodded his head and smiled..Llong saw the smile.. that smile is just how he used to smile when he was in school... that innocent smile..

Llong looked to Type and thought.. So Mr Tharn Suppasit are the only one who can bring our old Type back... we are counting on you... but I will have my eyes on you... so better you behave and not hurt my brother again... if that happens ..this time ..who will have to deal with Llong Kanawut..

While thinking about TYPE and his advice.. Llong recollected his past..that will haunt him but also he has those memories which he will cherish.


HELLO my lovely readers...

its a short update again..i hope you like it...

Next Chapter Highlights

1. Llong and K's story❤️❤️❤️❤️

2. Tharn and Mew's courtship...🤜🤛

Well its gonna be back to back I just need a little time from your end..

Again i thank all my readers who arr supporting me..from the beginning..
And I hope I Have more readers in future..

And also leave your comments so that i can improve more and deliver beautiful stories..

I know i am being demanding.. But its my request
A request from your average writer..
Keep smilling..and stay Safe...🧡🧡🧡🧡

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