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That night both Type and Tharn kept tossing around. Both of them were thinking about the sudden kiss that happened between them...

Morning came as a bright sunny day..but both Tharn and Type were gloomy.. they ate their breakfast quietly... both the elders saw the tension between them. They chose to keep quiet.. after all they didn't want to interfere in the youngsters' business..

They knew it was between them..and they will sort it out.

Tharn dropped Type home.... This time Type bowed and said thank you before leaving.. it was a formal greeting.

Type was still thinking about the kiss last night... his mind was diverted...he simply went to his room and jumped on his bed.

He finally figured it out.. He liked Tharn.. not as a senior or a Teacher..he liked Tharn as a lover..he wanted Tharn to hug him... say sweet words.

Last night Type grew up....he felt he understood that all these feelings.. were only for Tharn. But he knew..Tharn.. the was Tharn apologized for the kiss made Type believe that Tharn would never be interested in him..

He started to find out the reasons in his head.. firstly Tharn was his teacher and way older than him..secondly he was not into young boys or rather men.. Type thought Tharn might be straight..

The felt a pang in his heart... I decided to keep his relationship with Tharn just like a Teacher and Student...nothing more.

On the other hand ... Tharn was in a state of fix. He didn't know why he kissed Type...but as Type confessed his problem Tharn couldn't hold it anymore...he pulled Type for a kiss... Tharn knew he was straight..but he never looked at women that way..... again he felt something for Type... something that he didn't feel for anyone.. a feeling of loving someone.. a feeling of care.... A feeling of protectiveness.. I feeling of jealousy(when K' hugged Type).. he was a mess... he decided to bury those feelings... he cant have those feelings for Type... as Type was just a boy in his teens... their age difference was huge... people would think him as a horny professor taking advantage of a teenager.. also what would their parents think....they would never agree...

He decided to keep his relation with as a Student Professor relation. Yeah that's what he decided.. he will keep his distance from Type.

Monday came very quick..for Tharn and Type. They wanted the weekend to prolong a bit so that they don't have to face each other.. but to their disappointment Monday came ..the weekend went away thinking about each other.

Type texted Tharn that his brother Kla would bring him back to his Hostel. Tharn felt sad as he wont be able to see Type at the beginning of the Week.. but he would meet him at school... they would be distant but Tharn will always keep a watch over him from far. He cant loose this feeling of protectiveness and care for Type.

Type was his usual self... he was happy that K' and Sam were there to keep his mind off. K' was clingy as usual.. sam was rolling her eyes looking at her brother. Sam looked at K'. She knew that K was sad that Type didn't have any feelings for him...But she was angry at his brother's stupidity...he should have told Type about his feelings.

Type was also thinking whether to tell his friends about his preference. He decided to come clean.. if after confessing they didn't want to be his friends Type would accept it. It was nothing new for him to be alone. He was never that sociable.

"Guys I need to confess something... after this if you don't want to be my friends.. then I will understand..." Said Type with sad eyes.

The siblings were nervous as to what Type would say.

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