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Chapter 30

The week as going fine..Type was busy with his patients ....were as Adrian was busy with his internship...They had so packed up schedules that they hardly met at the hospital... the only company Type had has Mew Thirigun..

That CEO was able to make Type along with Dr Suparat....but as Type was new in the hospital ... he kept Type close to him and guided him with the works...

Well he was trying to spend more and more time with his new love interest...and Type was as totally avoiding him... he just focused on his work... but he couldn't avoid Mew..he was very persistent...

Having lunch together ..dinner together (at the Type had to work overtime because of work pressure..)

The week passed... was hectic.. but Type realized one thing.... That the CEO was a very hard working man.. too confident with everything.. Type liked him as the good boss....

During the weekends Type became busy ....with household....

Suddenly he heard door bell.... He went to open the door only to be surprised to see a cute buy delivering car keys...

" Good morning ..Are you Type Knanawut?? "

"Yes I am"

"Sir I am Yuki ..delivering your Audi Q3 Sportback .....Please sign here ...."

"Audi?? But I never bought a car...??" Type asked surprised..

"Sir it's a gift from Mr Llong Kanawut..."

"Oh ..okay Thank you..."

Type went down with the boy and saw a brand new pulse orange Audi Sportback standing infront of the gate...

Type smiled and thanked the boy..

As the boy left.. .. the smiling doctor called his brother..

"P.. you bought an Audi for me !!"

"yeah...I heard from Eye that you were using her car.. so I thought it will be feasible for you to use a brand new car than a used one.. and you are our cutest youngest brother.. so a little pampering won't be a problem."

Type smiled.. "Thanks P..but it was not necessary.. I was planning to go buy a car for myself..."

"Oh come on... being the oldest brother know how much I like to pamper you..."

Type giggled.. "Thanks P.."

"your are welcome... I will send someone to get Eye's car.. for her..but you your car and come visit us... tomorrow.. We are having a small feast ..for your arrival.... Oh.. and bring that Adrian with you..."

"Okay P ..we will be there in the afternoon.."

The tanned skinned doctor ....had a satisfying smile on his lips... .. he gripped the keys and went to his apartment..only to see ..Adrian rubbing his eyes and yawning..and walking from his room..

"Good Morning..P Type" he said cutely..

"Good Morning..Adrian..." Type ruffled his hair.. "go freshen up..ill get coffee and breakfast ... then there is a surprise for you..."

Meanwhile at the hospital

"No no No..I want Dr Kana..." a boy was shouting at the top of his voice... " I want Dr. Kana.."

He was showing tantrums and was not listening to anyone.. neither the nurses nor the Doctor was able to control him....

The boy was Mael.. his grandmother was trying hard to make him understand that Dr Kana was doesn't have his shift today...

But who listens... Mael was crying for Type as well as his injury....but he will not take medicine or will for examination...

Dr Suparat shook his head and called Type..

At Type's Apartment


Type was cooking breakfast when his phone rang...


"Dr. Kana.. this is Dr. Suparat.."

"yes doctor ... what makes you call me today??"

"Doctor..your patient..Mael Suppasit has been admitted to our hospital... the injury of his ankle has swollen.. and he is crying in pain... I tried to medicate him.. but he is only asking for you.. he doesn't want us to treat him.."

Hearing Mael's name .. Type's heart cried... without thinking ..he said " I will be there in 30 mins....can you please give the phone to Mael..."

Dr Suparat handed the call to Mael..

"Mael..dear ..this is Dr. Kana... listen to me.. I want you to start your treatment with Dr Suparat ..Okay..I will be there in 30 mins.... Be a good boy.."

The crying boy smiled instantly and assured Type be a good boy...


Dr Kana came running to the children's ward only to see Mael... eating chocolate with a plaster on his ankle ...

Dr Suparat was talking to the nurse.. Aunt Fai was giving angry glare at Mael..and poor nanny was standing there with a blank expression...

Type had lot of questions in his mind about what has exactly he walked to his senior..

His senior looked up and shook his head... and then what he said ..made Type eyes wide...

2 hours ago..

"I want to meet Dr Kana.." said Mael...

"No he is busy doctor and you are perfectly fine.. we have our appointment on can meet him then..."

"No I wanna meet him now... Granny please...."

With that he ran down the stairs and he slipped...this time he fell on his injured ankle which was healing fine.... He cried out of pain... he was rushed the hospital..where he didn't want to get any checkup from other doctor except for is Dr.Kana.....and when his doctor assured he will be visiting him... Mael went for check up and x-ray which showed that the area which was injured was not in good shape..and the only way to keep the boy at rest was to plaster his ankle till he becomes healthy.... So Type's Senior doctor came to this decision and the boy had a plaster on his ankle which will restrict him to walk for at least a week....

Type looked at the innocent face which had mischief in his eyes. Infact he agreed to put the plaster on one condition..Dr Kana has to visit him every day ... at home...

Type didn't know what to do... he knew Tharn was Mael's father....and if he went to his Aunt's House then he will definitely face Tharn ..which he didn't want..

But the boy was adamant to make Type come home.... And at last he succeeded ...

Type could only sigh... he doesn't know what will happen once me meets his first love...he wished not to face Tharn.....


Has he really moved on?? Is he still trying to Move on?? Type what is happening to you... you shouldn't have come back....!!!!

Or is it really fate..that will help Tharn and Type to erase all of the past and start something new!!!!!!!!!!

or Mr Mew Thirigun will swoop Type away ??????????????????????????????????????????????/

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