Chapter 38

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After having breakfast at with Tharn and Mael, Type and Adrian were leaving for the hospital. Adrian has so many questions for Type but he didn't dare to ask Type about it.... Looking at a serious Type ..but when their eyes met ..he found Type eyes said something else.. there was a hint of happiness that glowed in his eyes.

Type and Adrian went their separate ways to their departments. When Type entered his cabin he saw a bouquet of flowers waiting for him. he was surprised at first but when he looked at the card said..

"Good Morning Dr. Kana.. Hope you have a good day"


Type looked confused as to why his boss sent him a bouquet of flowers early morning...he immediately called Mew's office and was connected to his boss Via intercom.

"Good morning Mr Thirigun ..."

"Good Morning Dr. Kana.. did you get my gift? I hope you like flowers!!"

"Yes Sir.. I got them.. but Sir you didn't have to send me flowers in the morning.. I a just an employee!!"

"Oh no ..Dr. Kana.. I don't consider you as an employee anymore.. I want to start courting you from today.. I like you Dr. Kana.. You are the second person who has touched my heart... and I am going to pursure you to be my boyfriend.. have a good day Type.." with that Mew disconnected the call.. before Type could reply!!

Type on hearing Mew's confession..was spellbound...

"what!!!!" I screamed in his mind.. "why why why???? Two identical persons are going to court me?? Ahhhh but why Mr Thirigun???? Oh god... oh god OH MY GOD!!!"

Type was screaming in his mind... suddenly a knock was heard when the nurse came in.

"Good Morning Dr. Kana... you have a gift from Mr Tharn Suppasit.."

"What?? Okay bring it inside.."

Nurse came in with a Bouquet of Lillis ... Type's favorite flowers.. with a note..

"I hope your favorites haven't changed.. my Type.. I Hope you like them...

Love Tharn!!"

Type rolled his eyes..

Now Type has 2 bouquets of flowers in his cabin.....and he didn't know what to do with them.. he could only concentrate on his patients.

The first half of the day went fine.. Type was able to forget about the flowers sent by the two Alphas and focus on his patients.

It was lunch time when the nurse knocked the door.

"Doctor.. a food parcel arrived for you... from... Mr. Tharn Suppasit."

Type furrowed his burrows.. okay please keep it on the table..

He looked at the note attached to it. It said

"Baby.. I don't know whether your favorite have changed in these years but I have your favorite Basil rice and crispy chili pork for lunch. I made it myself. Now I am Pro in cooking.. I hope you will like them. And from now onwards I will be sending you your lunch so you don't need to eat hospital food. Enjoy your meal..

I love you Baby...


Type read the note and a smile crept on his lips.. he took the packet and went to the canteen to join Adrian and Dr. Suparat.

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