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Chapter 43

A familiar SUV stopped in front of the petrol pump. Tharn came out of his car and rushed tobe with his beloved.

"Oh baby.. how are you? are you hurt? Why are you here? How did you get here?"

Tharn was asking questions at a go... looking at Type to find anything that was hurting him.

"P I am fine.. our Car broke and we waked for an hour to reach the petrol pump.... And my phone battery also died....."

"we?? You were with whom?"

"That would be me... Mew came out of the washroom...."

Both the men were astonished to see how similar they looked.....

"What were you both doing so far from the city??"

Mew was about to say ..when Type interfered..

"Ah P.. stop asking questions.. actually Sir Mew and me were out for some hospital work at the nearby village.. and I forgot to charge my phone so that I could inform you and also Sir's phone was at the hospital... we had nothing to contact you... Type said.. looking at his bf..."

He knows lying to his bf in the eye was not right.. but he knows how over protective his bf is.. if he told him that Mew kidnapped him.. them Tharn would kill his Boss for sure...

Type hugged his Bf .... And said.. "lets go home..."

Mew still had questions as to why Type lied to his bf.. he could have complained .. and Mew would have been behind bars..... Type was still a mystery to him....

But in the end .. he realized how wrong he was... and seeing the couple hugging with s much love he felt ashamed .... About what he did,.. he decided to apologize to Type... while hugging Tharn Type looked at his Boss... when their eyes met ... Type could see the repent in Mew..

He just smiled .. and nodded .. it was an invisible understanding saying everything needs to be forgotten.. Mew gave a sincere smile to his sub ordinate.

The drive to the home was quiet... it took them two hours to reach Aunt Fai's house...

When they entered they were surprised to see the whole family waiting for them... Type's brothers with their partners ... Adrian sitting on Dr. Supparat... PLlong and his K Tharn's parents Aunt Fai.. Bonnie, Tim, Eye .....

They were very tensed .. worried .. Type was surprised to see his father waiting for him with worry...

When the three entered ... Everyone was shocked.. happy ... seeing two Tharns and Type walking in...

Before they could say anything... Mrs Suppasit said.. " Mew.."

Mew looked at the lady calling him..... but his surprise was that how can someone from Type's family know him... they never met..

Mr Suppasit tried to stop her wife,, but she ran to Mew and hugged him... " MY dear Boy.... I finally got to see you after so long...."

Mew shifted from her hug and said.. " I am Sorry Mam but I don't think I know you...."

"But I am your mother....!!!"



The whole family left the Suppasits and concentrated on their boy....

Tim was looking at his son.... He never thought about him... cared about him.. but these past years his youngest son has somehow made his place in his heart.... Though far away.. though they never spoke... never showed any care...but Type being safe somewhere always pacified the old man's mind..

But these past hours when he didn't know where Type was...his fatherly care couldn't be kept at hold.... Seeing his boy safe and sound... he could control his emotions.... While everyone was hugging Type ... Tim walked passed them and hugged his little boy...

Type and others were shocked to see Tim's side... as a man he can be cold hearted ..but when he realized that what his sons meant to him.. the fatherly emotions couldn't be kept at hold...

His feelings were triggered by Type's disappearance.... Not seeing his youngest son.. in front of him.... not knowing whether he is well or not.... Gave him the fright of losing his blood.. may be he was in denial ... for all this time... that he already accepted Type as his son.. the day he stepped in that house... his pride couldn't accept the fact...

But now seeing his whole family together ....happy ... settled he can't deny that he is also happy .... Satisfied......

Type was enjoying his time. After clearing all their doubts seeing his whole family together.... But he was concerned about his bf.. and the Suppasit family...what exactly was happening...


At the Suppasit mansion

The atmosphere at the house was quiet tense. 5 people were sitting infront of each other to know about their past...

Tharn and Mew couldn't believe that their parents hid such a fact about them being brothers... and because of Mew's mother..the brothers were separated....

At first Tharn thought how cruel can their parents be.. separating two brothers... but he heard their reason ...(please refer to the character analysis) ... he was delighted to have a brother...

But he was annoyed that Mew was trying to persue his Type... he hated Mew for that.. he couldn't decide.... Whether he will love Mew as his brother or hate him for Type....

Tharn needs his Type right now.... Mew was trying to digest the facts that their parents have disclosed... he still cant believe that Tharn is his Twin brother.. he still cant believe that he is not a Thirigun but a Suppasit... he quietly listened to every word his birth parents had told him... now he needs to confront his father... about the same...

Without saying anything he left.... So did Tharn... one went to his father and the other went to his bf... both of their heads were in a mess... both the brothers don't know whether to be happy or sad about them being brothers......

Mr and Mrs Suppasit could only sob seeing the behavior of their children.... Specially Mew..... whom she has seen when she gave birth.. she knows that what she and her husband did was wrong.. but her love for her sister and her condition made her take those steps..

The parents can only hope that their sons forgive them..... and be a family..


well i thought about creating a scene between Tharn and Mew reagrding Type.... but then ... you see i love Mew and i love Tharn.... my heart doesn't agree to make Mew a villain... so i just gave a light convresation between the three... 

and we all know that if one realizes their mistake... then that makes the person a good soul.. 




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