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A new morning... Type work up early... he doesn't like to miss his morning run.. as for Adrian... he was sleeping like always...

7am both went for bath....and prepared themselves for their first day at the hospital.


Both opened the door together to smile and walk towards the kitchen.... Two instant noodles were cooked and poured in two bowls ..they took their respective meals and had their breakfast

(well Type do know how to cook.. but early morning...before office that to on the first day.. no one wants to smell of food.. hahahahaha (well that's my thinking.. don't know about yours)

They put their bowls in the basin and taking their bags they left for the car..

Okay so ... Type was supposed to buy his own car... but Eye very generously gave hers just for the time being.....

And they headed to City General Hospital...

When they arrived the head of Pediatric department welcomed Type and Adrian left to report to the GS (General Surgery) department...

The head doctor guided Type to his cabin and told him to leave his stuff and follow him. He will be introducing him to the doctors of the same department.. later when the CEO arrives ..Type will be taken to meet him..

The head doctor informed all the doctors.. nurses and staff of the Pediatric department ...

We all know that Type is beautiful guy.. so when the head doctor introduced him as the child doctor return from America...the nurses and the staff were talking amongst each other about how beautiful a guy can be.. and by mistake Type overheard their talk and smiled at them... the nurses blushed like crazy...

He formally introduced to the staff

"hello everyone.. I am Dr Type Kanawut.. you can call me Dr Kana... please take care of me..." he bowed his head in gratitude.

With that the head doctor and Type left for his cabin..

Dr. Suparat the head of Pediatric was a man in his 30s. Divorced doctor with a daughter who is 6 years old. He is a handsome man with sharp features but a kind smile.. the kids fall in love with that smile.... That's why he is famous in the children's ward..

Dr. Suparat walked with Type to the children's ward where the kids seeing two beautiful creatures in doctors suits.. they rushed to them... all of them who were able to walk hugged their known doctor and the unknown doctor....

When the kids released them... Dr. Suparat introduced Type to the kids... Type waved his hands and the kids imitated the same...

"Hello ..I am Dr Type all will call me Dr. Kana... and together we all will take care of each other...."

The Children with starry eyes saw the beautiful doctor and his angelic voice..

"The children sure like you"...Dr. Suparat said...Dr. Type..

"mmm..." said Type... "Doctor please call me Dr. Kana"

Doctor if you don't mind me asking you..why do you consider yourself calling Kana rather than Type?

Type laughed... Dr Suparat its nothing serious... I am actually used to people calling me Kana... and by my name among my family.. so if someone calls me Type outside home... I think its one of my family members.

Type didn't know whether Dr Suparat believed him or not but his real intention was to make sure that other than his family and two best friends one should have even a hint of him coming back to the city.

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